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How to get the nodes in the below Xml file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <xd:xmldiff version="1.0" srcDocHash="4685481238288745685" options="IgnoreChildOrder IgnoreNamespaces IgnorePI IgnorePrefixes" fragments="no" xmlns:xd="">
- <xd:node match="1">
- <xd:add>

I want to fetch the nodes Age/Phone/Email/address:

string childnode = string.Empty;
XmlDocument docXml = new XmlDocument();

var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(docXml.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("xd", "");

var nl = docXml.SelectNodes("//xd:add/@href", nsmgr);
//var nl = docXml.SelectNodes("//xd:add", nsmgr);

// Get a list of all player nodes

// Define a single node
XmlNode node;

// Get the root Xml element
XmlElement root = docXml.DocumentElement;

for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childnode) == true)
        childnode = root.Name;
        childnode += "," + root.Name;
Updated 1-Oct-15 0:54am

1 solution

Try it with XmlNode.SelectSingleNode Method :

XmlDocument docXml = new XmlDocument();
var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(docXml.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("xd", "");
XmlElement root = docXml.DocumentElement;

XmlNode node = root.SelectSingleNode("Age", nsmgr);

XmlNode node = root.SelectSingleNode("Phone", nsmgr);

// ... and so long ...
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Maciej Los 1-Oct-15 8:23am    
Leo Chapiro 1-Oct-15 8:39am    
Thank you! :)
Kandiya 5-Oct-15 10:13am    
How to compare two XML files and fetch missing nodes using c#?
Tried below code but not working .
public void CompareXmlTest1(string RefXml, string InputXml)

string childnodeCommon = string.Empty;
string childnode = string.Empty;

FileInfo feedList = new FileInfo(RefXml);
FileInfo feedRequest = new FileInfo(InputXml);

// Load the documents
XmlDocument feedListXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

// Load the documents
XmlDocument feedRequestXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

// Define a single node
XmlNode feedListNode;
XmlNode feedRequestNode;

//Get Child Node Names(New)
string feedListNodeName = string.Empty;
string feedRequestNodeName = string.Empty;

// Get the root Xml element
XmlElement feedListRoot = feedListXmlDoc.DocumentElement;
XmlElement feedRequestRoot = feedRequestXmlDoc.DocumentElement;

// Get a list of feeds for the stored list and the request
XmlNodeList feedListXml = feedListRoot.SelectNodes("/Names");
XmlNodeList feedRequestXml = feedRequestRoot.SelectNodes("/Names");

if (feedListRoot.HasChildNodes && feedRequestRoot.HasChildNodes)

// loop through list of Ref Xml Child Nodes
for (int i = 0; i < feedListRoot.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
//Get Ref Xml Node
feedListNode = feedListRoot.ChildNodes.Item(i);

//Get Ref Xml Child Node Name
feedListNodeName = feedListRoot.ChildNodes.Item(i).Name.ToString();

//check Input Xml Child Nodes for any missing with the Ref Xml Child Nodes

//Get Input Xml Child Node Name
if (feedRequestRoot.ChildNodes.Item(i) != null)
//Get Input Xml Node
feedRequestNode = feedRequestXml.Item(i);

//checks to see if child node names is there or not comparing the Input Xml with Ref Xml
feedListNodeName = feedListRoot.ChildNodes.Item(i).Name.ToString();

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childnode) == true)
childnode = "Missing Child Node: " + feedListNodeName;

childnode += "," + feedListNodeName;


childnodeCommon = childnode + " for the Parent Node " + feedListRoot.Name;


//Console.WriteLine("Result file has been written out at " + _resultPath);


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