I took a look at this Control, and its source (thanks to the JetBrains de-compiler); I'd say it's a very amateurishly coded Control; and, the author provides no read-me file, no link to source-code on GitHub or similar, no contact information.
My sense is that what you want, here, is a circular dial Control that the user can "turn" at run-time and which will raise a "value changed" Event. This Control is not a good basis for doing that in my opinion.
I suggest you experiment with the Control's 'ProgressInDegree parameter which takes a float. Using that parameter I was able to get the progress indicator (the red arc in the circle) to move, but I was not able to get stepped movement (animation).
You can leave a message on the Visual Studio Gallery page for the author, but the last message there is a few years old, and no sign of a response.
Suggest you look elsewhere for a circular .NET Control: there are some examples here on CodeProject, like: [