i am working on web api project. i am totally new for web api project. i have two controller namely Inventory and Customer. in both controller, a get method with same number of parameter but method name are different. below are controller method details with parameter.
Inventory controller method signature is:
public IEnumerable<Inventory> GetInventoryByParamas(string IP, string Port, string CompanyName, string UserName, string Password, string Item, string Description, string Price)
and Customer controller method signature is:
public IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomerByParams(string IP, string Port, string CompanyName, string UserName, string Password, string CustomerName, string city, string Phone1)
and i defined the route for both controller in webapiconfig.cs file, and also define the default route, which is below: just see the routes.
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "ActionApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
//Inventory route
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(name: "InventoryParams", routeTemplate: "api/{Controller}/{action}/{IP}/{Port}/{CompanyName}/{UserName}/{Password}/{Item}/{Description}/{Price}");
//Customer route
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(name: "CustomerParams", routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{IP}/{Port}/{CompanyName}/{UserName}/{Password}/{CustomerName}/{city}/{Phone1}");
i write the Inventory route on top of customer route, and pass the parameter in url:
but when i write the Inventory route bottom on customer route it's not working while i pass the same url. i got the error the page cannot be found(HTTP 404 not found).
and vice-versa for customer route and passing the url for customer.
please guys help me,
thanks in advance.
please please help.