I have been working on Client project. I need to get stock from Purchased product QTY and Sold QTY.
Here my SQL
SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_itemmaster.product_code,tbl_itemmaster.unittype,tbl_itemmaster.color,SUM(tbl_purchasedetails.qty),SUM(tbl_saledetails.qty),(SUM(tbl_purchasedetails.qty)-SUM(tbl_saledetails.qty))
FROM (tbl_itemmaster LEFT JOIN tbl_saledetails ON tbl_itemmaster.[product_code] = tbl_saledetails.[product_code])
LEFT JOIN tbl_purchasedetails ON tbl_itemmaster.[product_code]=tbl_purchasedetails.[product_code] GROUP BY tbl_itemmaster.product_code,tbl_itemmaster.unittype,tbl_itemmaster.color
Below is the result of sql
Product Code Unit Type Color Purchase QTY Sold QTY Stock
1001 KiloGram Red 500
500 Kilogram White 1033 300 733
570 Kilogram Black
600 Kilogram Pink
9005 Kilogram Magenta 800.5
900 Kilogram Green
Product code
500 has three times purchase entry i.e. 500+400+133 = 1033 Purchased Qty
Product code
500 has only ONE time sale entry i.e. 100 = 100 Sold Qty
Product code
500 suppose to has
933 Stock Qty
BUT why I getting
300 in sold qty ?
Where my query is lacking?