Hey folks, I aint sure if this question has been asked before and im sorry if it has but basically, I'm looking to see if anyone here has some code or guidance/idea on how to build a search function where When I type in a "specific" Name or characters, it returns the data but it only returns it if it matches what Ive typed, I aint sure if this can be done and It could mean validation which I aint good with but say for talk sake I had a search box and button and I typed Computer Science, It will only return a module/subject named that, if its spelt wrong or or whatever it wont return.
It will only search the DB table where the names are and display the one that's typed and nothing else.. Can this be done, also if it matches, I have a listview showing data in a specific way, can that be copied or used also so when the search matches it displays the module button like it has on another one of my pages..
If you need any refinement or anything let me know, sorry if it sounds confusing also but any help would be fantastic folks :)
What I have tried:
I have watched youtube videos but nothing matches the specificity of what Im looking to implement :(