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Facing a small issue. I have a site which works fine on Http protocol. There was q requirement to run it on Https.
As soon as I added Https binding the site stopped login.

Application is based on 3.5 version.
Whenever I tried to login and enter my credentials on Https url ,Login URL does not changes.
It comes up with a white blank page.
Also site uses an ASMX service.
However on Http URL site logged in successfully with Home page displays.
Any suggestion for config changes.


What I have tried:

I have not done any changes to the site.
I have just added an additional binding for Https so that site can run on that.
Updated 4-Apr-16 3:49am
F-ES Sitecore 4-Apr-16 9:59am    
Given we don't know how any of this is configured it's hard to say. It could be you're expecting to be able to switch between http and https with no consequences, but in order to do that you'll need to configure the cookies such they they will transmit over non-secure protocols (google for that), or it could be your iis isn't configured for https correctly, or you're just using the wrong\hard-coded urls, it's impossible to say from what you've said.

Use Fiddler to trace the calls when it is in http and then for https and see if you can spot any obvious differences.
sreeyush sudhakaran 24-Apr-16 5:57am    
I hope you are using non secured cookie in your site for login page , to secure your cookie try adding below configuration in web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" requireSSL="true" />

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