I want to create a txt file based on certain inputs.
To create a text file you can use the
StreamWriter Class (System.IO)[
if statements looking at the specific cases and if true: Output a specific paragraph or sentence into the txt file.
MyStreamWriter.WriteLine("A specific paragraph or sentence.");
How can I build it so when some cases dont exist it doesn't just leave a lot of white space.
Edit: White lines are caused by calling "WriteLine" and not adding to the new line. So, I advise you to just not call "WriteLine" or "Write" if it's empty and you don't want just an empty space.
Here's an example by using a switch statement:
using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("myTextFile.txt"))
string LineToWrite = String.Empty;
case "Case1":
LineToWrite = "A specific message";
case "Case2":
LineToWrite = "A different Message";
Edit: If you use "case default" you can basically insert any code you'd add to the "else" after a couple of "if" switches. It's the case it will always do if no other match has been found if I'm not mistaken. More information can be found at
While reading or writing using the stream writer be sure to use a "using statement" to make sure your StreamWriter disposes properly.
Best Regards,
- Eddie