You can't change RAND_MAX because it's a constant, and its implementation dependant: it can be set to the maximum value that can be stored in a signed integer on the system the compiler is targeting (but it doesn't have to be, it can be smaller): on Windows based systems it is set to 32767 for compatibility reasons which are probably unnecessary today.
If you want a bigger range of random values, then that's difficult in a C based environment as libraries available to C programs are pretty old these days and are unlikely to be updated.
One way to get a bigger random number would be to use
repeatedly and shift the bits into a bigger number as suggested here:
How to generate large random numbers C - Stack Overflow[
^] note that with a maximum value of 32767 you will need to shift your values by 15 bits each time, not 16 as they show or you will get huge "gaps" in the values caused by the zeroed bit 15 each time.