<Where> <And> <And> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Metadata_x0020_Name' /> <Value Type='Lookup'>Author 1</Value> </Eq> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Value' /> <Value Type='Text'>Nitin Jagtap</Value> </Eq> </And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Metadata_x0020_Name' /> <Value Type='Lookup'>Program</Value> </Eq> </And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Value' /> <Value Type='Text'>MBA</Value> </Eq> </And> </Where>
I have a list having name "Metadata Values" which contains two columns 1.Metadata Name (which is a Lookup Column from Metadata List) 2.Value (which is Single line of text column) The list "Metadata Values" contains multiple records for each Metadata Name having different- different values or same values. How should I create proper Caml query, so it will gives proper results. Please guide me. Any help will be appreciable. Thanks Nitin
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