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Hello everyone,
My project seems simple. My form populates a datagrid on load (from a database)
I have a search button which works and I can now filter the results.
I also have an onRowCommand which, for now just shows the details of the the selected row.
However, at page load, it seems fine, i can check the details without problem. But, when I do a search. it shows me a different value.
for example.

Hinata [View]
Sakura [View]
Tenten [View]

if search "n"
the result is

Hinata [View]
Tenten [View]

but when i click View of Tenten - It shows SAKURA :(

My Form
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
        End If

        End Sub

Hello Again,
I kinda cleaned my code a bit. I also used a viewstate.. but I still get the error.
<pre lang="vb">
Protected Sub lnkSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lnkSearch.Click
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "SELECT Fid,RealName,Department FROM tblUsers" &
                                    " WHERE RealName LIKE '%" & txtName.Text & "%'"

        Dim constring As String = "Data Source=LOCALHOST\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbTOD_Sql;Integrated Security=True"
        Using con As New SqlConnection(constring)
            Using cmd As New SqlCommand(strSearch, con)
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
                Using sda As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
                    Using dt As New DataTable()

                        'Set AutoGenerateColumns False
                        GridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False

                        'First time knowing ViewState. HOpe this works
                        ViewState("vsTable") = dt
                        'Reading the viewstate values.
                        Dim dt2 As DataTable = DirectCast(ViewState("vsTable"), DataTable)
                        GridView1.DataSource = dt2
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(sender As Object, e As GridViewCommandEventArgs)

Dim rowIndex As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(rowIndex)

'Access Cell values.
Dim customerId As Integer = Integer.Parse(row.Cells(0).Text)
Dim name As String = row.Cells(1).Text
MsgBox (name) 'just for testing
End Sub

What I have tried:

Edited: I tried Viewstate as suggested but I still get the error.

I tried selectedIndexChange but, I still get the same results. I did Computer restarts hoping it was just a bug and a refresh would make the problem go away.
I am lost. I don't know what to do anymore.
Updated 1-Aug-16 17:40pm
Richard Deeming 1-Aug-16 10:02am    
strSelectCmd = "SELECT Fid,Realname,,Department,Email FROM tblPerson" & " WHERE Department = '" & SelectedGroup & "'"

Your code is vulnerable to SQL Injection[^]. NEVER use string concatenation to build a SQL query. ALWAYS use a parameterized query.

Everything you wanted to know about SQL injection (but were afraid to ask) | Troy Hunt[^]
How can I explain SQL injection without technical jargon? | Information Security Stack Exchange[^]
Query Parameterization Cheat Sheet | OWASP[^]

You already know how to use parameters - you've done the right thing in lnkSearch_Click. :)
Cute Girly Geek 1-Aug-16 22:41pm    
Sorry I pasted the wrong lnkSearch_Click.. It's like the BindGrid() Routine but with str = "Select * FROM tblUsers WHERE Username LIKE '%" & txtName.txt & "%'"

Thank you for your response btw, I promise to be a good girl and will study and implement parameterized query after I get all my needed functions. Will clean code afterwards. Thanks again :)
Richard Deeming 2-Aug-16 8:46am    
Fixing the SQLi is fairly simple:

Const strSearch As String = "SELECT Fid,RealName,Department FROM tblUsers WHERE RealName LIKE '%' + @Name + '%'"
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(strSearch, con)
   cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
   cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", txtName.Text)

There's no need to store the results in ViewState - the GridView already takes care of that for you.

What does the .aspx markup look like for the grid?
Cute Girly Geek 11-Aug-16 23:14pm    
Thank you Mr. Richard.. Sorry for the late reply.. its the design of my form that is... I think is at fault.. I tried everything to be done in one form. (nilesh sawardekar was right at that).. So I just created a new form for my search and it was working. Though I would really love to get an example of viewstate. Thanks again. :)
Cute Girly Geek 11-Aug-16 23:14pm    
Thank you Mr. Richard.. Sorry for the late reply.. its the design of my form that is... I think is at fault.. I tried everything to be done in one form. (nilesh sawardekar was right at that).. So I just created a new form for my search and it was working. Though I would really love to get an example of viewstate. Thanks again. :)

1 solution

Check your user1 value. if your using same page for all things which you have mentioned then use viewstate[]
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