What you need to do is break your problem down into smaller pieces and then you won't feel so overwhelmed that you don't know where to start.
1) First thing you need to do is figure out how to read XML in c#.
read XML file in c - Google Search[
If serialization is an option, review how that works in C#
2) If you did not use serialization, then you need to read the XML and map it to an object of some sort (or you could just write insert queries here).
By this i mean you could have an object of say...Person. Here would be the step that you map the XML elements to the properties of Person and add each Person to a list of type Person.
3) Loop through your list of Person (ex: var persons = new <Person>();) and write insert queries, or use EntityFramework to insert that data into your database.
Entity framework C# - Google Search[
Once you get started on this project, should you get stuck, feel free to come back with a clear explanation of your issue and any relevant code samples. We are not a service that does your projects for you. You also need to remember we don't have access to your computer, your hard drive, nor do we read minds or know anything about your project. Vague questions do nothing but get people annoyed that they can't provide you adequate assistance. If you are able to provide a clear explanation and relevant code samples I am sure someone will be happy to help you when you need it.