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I used row data bound to get value form list item to grid view controls.For radio-list it works fine but for checkbox list and drop-down list selected value should be checked on grid view corresponding controls.
I debugged the conditions every thing works fine but I can't find selected values on grid-view while editing.
Grid view was implemented on visual web part.

Please let me know where to check and what to do.

What I have tried:

My code:
protected void grid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow && grid.EditIndex == e.Row.RowIndex)

string id = grid.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Value.ToString();

RadioButtonList rb = (RadioButtonList)e.Row.FindControl("RadioButtonList1");
CheckBoxList chkdept = (CheckBoxList)e.Row.FindControl("CheckBoxList1");
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList1");
SPWeb currentWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList lst = currentWeb.Lists["Employee"];
SPListItem item = null;
item = lst.GetItemById(Convert.ToInt32(id));

string rd = item["Gender"].ToString();

string ex = item["Experience"].ToString();
string replace = ex.TrimStart(';', '#').TrimEnd(';', '#');
string qul = item["Qualification"].ToString();
ddl.Items.FindByText(qul).Selected = true;

if (rd == "Male")
rb.Items.FindByText(rd).Selected = true;

else if (rd == "Female")
rb.Items.FindByText(rd).Selected = true;


if (replace == "1-2year")
chkdept.Items.FindByText(replace).Selected = true;

else if (replace == "2-5year")

chkdept.Items.FindByText(replace).Selected = true;

else if (replace == "5-10year")

chkdept.Items.FindByText(replace).Selected = true;

Updated 6-Feb-17 0:02am
Karthik_Mahalingam 5-Feb-17 7:08am    
is it throwing any error?
check the case of the item text and the selected text.
narengowtham 5-Feb-17 7:16am    
It's not throwing a error,for radio button I can set the value it work's fine and for checkbox list it checks conditions and it not getting into the chkdept.Items.FindByText(replace).Selected = true;
narengowtham 5-Feb-17 7:18am    
I checked with bound values and field name every thing fine.
Karthik_Mahalingam 5-Feb-17 7:18am    
does the item present in the checkbox list
narengowtham 5-Feb-17 7:21am    
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Gender" ItemStyle-Width="10" ItemStyle-Wrap="False">
<ItemTemplate >
<%# Eval("Gender") %>


<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList1" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" >
<asp:ListItem Value="1">Male
<asp:ListItem Value="2" >Female

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Experience">
<%# Eval("Experience") %>

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="0" Text="1-2year">
<asp:ListItem Value="1" Text="2-5year">
<asp:ListItem Value="2" Text="5-10year">

My share point lsitem column name Experience choice field
Same as
But on grid view check box value shows with;,#
special chracter.

1 solution

I tried little bit of debugging, then found solution.

if (replace == "1-2year")
/*chkdept.Items.FindByText(replace).Selected = true;*/
instead of above code just replaced with this
chkdept.Items[0].Selected = true;

else if (replace == "2-5year")

chkdept.Items[1].Selected = true;

else if (replace == "5-10year")

chkdept.Items[2].Selected = true;

string ex = item["Experience"].ToString();

Also while getting list item in string object from choice field check box List Share Point.On default it comes with space like : "2-5 year" instead of "2-5year".So I passed with string with space worked perfectly.
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