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Good morning I hav problem with asp net Grid View control in my web page. I can correctly get records by selected methode and populate Grid view. But I can configure correctly Update methode. It seems nothing happen when I press Update button.
I use Grid view and Object data source. I can correctly connect with database server that is MySql server db.
The Update methode is fired, but all its params seem not to be updated. Only if I make them read only the methode can get updated value.

What I have tried:

Asp net web page

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="gestioneLetture_G.aspx.cs" Inherits="clearbill.portale.gestioneLetture_G" %>

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        <div> <input type="button" id="btnRefresh"  value="Search" style="float: left;" /> </div>        
          DataObjectTypeName = "clearbill.portale.Lettura99"
          typename="clearbill.portale.Tabella99Leture" ConvertNullToDBNull="True" >
               <asp:formparameter name="tb099_id" formfield="tb099_id" />
              <asp:formparameter name="tb099_pod_id_tb001" formfield="tb099_pod_id_tb001" />
          DataKeyNames ="tb099_id"
          AutoGenerateColumns ="true" 
          AllowPaging ="true"
          datasourceid="ObjectDataSource1" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True" AutoGenerateEditButton="True" AutoGenerateSelectButton="True" OnRowUpdated="GridView1_RowUpdated" ValidateRequestMode="Enabled" ViewStateMode="Enabled">
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            <asp:BoundField DataField="tb099_consumo_eaf1" HeaderText="tb099_consumo_eaf1" ReadOnly="false" SortExpression="tb099_consumo_eaf1" />
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            <asp:BoundField DataField="tb099_consumo_erf1" HeaderText="tb099_consumo_erf1" ReadOnly="false" SortExpression="tb099_consumo_erf1" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="tb099_consumo_erf2" HeaderText="tb099_consumo_erf2" ReadOnly="false" SortExpression="tb099_consumo_erf2" />
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            <asp:BoundField DataField="tb099_codice_pod" HeaderText="tb099_codice_pod" ReadOnly="false" SortExpression="tb099_codice_pod" />
            <asp:BoundField DataField="tb099_is_iniziale" HeaderText="tb099_is_iniziale" ReadOnly="false" SortExpression="tb099_is_iniziale" />            
           <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />



        $(document).ready(function () {

            $("#btnRefresh").click(function click_allpod(cb) {
                var v = "";




Behind code class in c#

using clearbill.Common;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Xml;
using System.Data;
using clearbill.common.ModelSubsonic;
using clearbill.core.bllSubsonic;
using clearbill.core.portale;
using clearbill.Common.DataAccess.Model;
using clearbill.core.bll;
using MySql.Data;
using System.Collections;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using clearbill.core.bll.Import;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using SubSonic.SqlGeneration.Schema;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace clearbill.portale
    public partial class gestioneLetture_G : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int i = 0;

        protected void TaskGridView_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            //Retrieve the table from the session object.
            DataTable dt = (DataTable)Session["TaskTable"];

        protected void GridView1_RowUpdated(object sender, GridViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
            ((clearbill.portale.gestioneLetture_G)(HttpContext.Current.Handler)).GridView1.Rows[1].RowState = DataControlRowState.Normal;
            GridViewRow r = ((clearbill.portale.gestioneLetture_G)(HttpContext.Current.Handler)).GridView1.Rows[1];

    //----------------------------   DAL    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public class Tabella99Leture

        public int tb099_id;
        public int tb099_pod_id_tb001;
        public int tb099_fattura_id_tb027;
        public DateTime tb099_data_lettura;
        public decimal tb099_potcontrimp;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_eaf1;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_eaf2;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_eaf3;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_erf1;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_erf2;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_erf3;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_potf1;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_potf2;
        public decimal tb099_lettura_potf3;
        public string tb099_tipo_misura;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_eaf1;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_eaf2;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_eaf3;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_erf1;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_erf2;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_erf3;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2;
        public decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3;
        public string tb099_codice_pod;
        public bool tb099_is_iniziale;

         //DAL query Sql
        public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string SQL)
            ConnectionStringSettings settings = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ClearBillMySqlConnection"];
            MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(settings.ConnectionString);
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                cmd = new MySqlCommand(SQL, con);
                MySqlDataAdapter DA = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                return dt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)


        // Returns a collection of NorthwindEmployee objects.
        public static ICollection GetAllLetture99()
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            string selectCommand = "SELECT * FROM tb099_riepilogo_letture_elettrico limit 100";
            DataTable resSelect = ExecuteDataTable(selectCommand);
            IEnumerable IDs = resSelect.DefaultView;
            // Iterate through the Enumeration and create a
            // NorthwindEmployee object for each ID.
            foreach (DataRowView row in IDs)
                string id = row["tb099_id"].ToString();
                Lettura99 nwe = new Lettura99();               
                nwe.tb099_id                        = (int)row["tb099_id"];
                nwe.tb099_pod_id_tb001              = (int)row["tb099_pod_id_tb001"];
                nwe.tb099_fattura_id_tb027          = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_fattura_id_tb027"])   ? (int)row["tb099_fattura_id_tb027"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_data_lettura              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_data_lettura"])       ? (DateTime)row["tb099_data_lettura"] : new DateTime();
                nwe.tb099_potcontrimp               = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_potcontrimp"])        ? (decimal?)row["tb099_potcontrimp"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_eaf1              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_eaf1"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_eaf1"] :0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_eaf2              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_eaf2"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_eaf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_eaf3              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_eaf3"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_eaf3"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_erf1              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_erf1"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_erf1"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_erf2              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_erf2"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_erf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_erf3              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_erf3"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_erf3"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_potf1             = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_potf1"])      ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_potf1"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_potf2             = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_potf2"])      ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_potf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_lettura_potf3             = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_lettura_potf3"])      ? (decimal?)row["tb099_lettura_potf3"] :0;
                nwe.tb099_tipo_misura               = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_tipo_misura"])        ? (string)row["tb099_tipo_misura"] : "";
                nwe.tb099_consumo_eaf1              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_eaf1"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_eaf1"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_eaf2              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_eaf2"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_eaf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_eaf3              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_eaf3"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_eaf3"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_erf1              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_erf1"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_erf1"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_erf2              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_erf2"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_erf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_erf3              = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_erf3"])       ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_erf3"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1  = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1"]) ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2  = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2"]) ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3  = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3"]) ? (decimal?)row["tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3"] : 0;
                nwe.tb099_codice_pod                = !DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_codice_pod"])        ? (string)row["tb099_codice_pod"] : "";
                if(!DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_is_iniziale"]) ){
                    if (DBNull.Value.Equals(row["tb099_is_iniziale"]) == true)
                        nwe.tb099_is_iniziale = true;
                        nwe.tb099_is_iniziale = false;
                // Add the NorthwindEmployee object to the collection.
            return al;

        public static Lettura99 GetLetture99(object anID)
            return new Lettura99(anID);

        public static void UpdateLetture99(
                int tb099_id,
                int tb099_pod_id_tb001,      
                int tb099_fattura_id_tb027,  
                DateTime tb099_data_lettura,      
                decimal tb099_potcontrimp,       
                decimal tb099_lettura_eaf1,      
                decimal tb099_lettura_eaf2,      
                decimal tb099_lettura_eaf3,      
                decimal tb099_lettura_erf1,     
                decimal tb099_lettura_erf2,      
                decimal tb099_lettura_erf3,      
                decimal tb099_lettura_potf1,     
                decimal tb099_lettura_potf2,     
                decimal tb099_lettura_potf3,     
                string tb099_tipo_misura,       
                decimal tb099_consumo_eaf1,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_eaf2,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_eaf3,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_erf1,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_erf2,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_erf3,      
                decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1, 
                decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2,
                decimal tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3,  
                string tb099_codice_pod,
                bool   tb099_is_iniziale
            bool retval = true;
            int i = 0;
            string cmdSQL = "UPDATE tb099_riepilogo_letture_elettrico SET " +
            "tb099_pod_id_tb001 =" + tb099_pod_id_tb001 + ", " +
            "tb099_fattura_id_tb027 =" + tb099_fattura_id_tb027 + "," +
            "tb099_data_lettura ='" + tb099_data_lettura + "', " +
            "tb099_potcontrimp =" + tb099_potcontrimp + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf1 =" + tb099_lettura_eaf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf2 =" + tb099_lettura_eaf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf3 =" + tb099_lettura_eaf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf1 =" + tb099_lettura_erf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf2 =" + tb099_lettura_erf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf3 =" + tb099_lettura_erf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf1 =" + tb099_lettura_potf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf2 =" + tb099_lettura_potf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf3 =" + tb099_lettura_potf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_tipo_misura ='" + tb099_tipo_misura + "', " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf1 =" + tb099_consumo_eaf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf2 =" + tb099_consumo_eaf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf3 =" + tb099_consumo_eaf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf1 =" + tb099_consumo_erf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf2 =" + tb099_consumo_erf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf3 =" + tb099_consumo_erf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1 =" + tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2 =" + tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2 + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3 =" + tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3 + ", " +
            "tb099_codice_pod ='" + tb099_codice_pod + "', " +
            "tb099_is_iniziale =" + tb099_is_iniziale  + " " +
            "WHERE tb099_id =" + tb099_id + ";";


            //bool retval = ne.Save();
            if (!retval) { throw new NorthwindDataException("UpdateEmployee failed."); }

        public static void UpdateLetture99(Lettura99 entry)
            int idSel = entry.tb099_id;
            //Riga selezionata
            GridViewRow r = ((clearbill.portale.gestioneLetture_G)(HttpContext.Current.Handler)).GridView1.Rows[idSel];
            //var v1 = ((clearbill.portale.gestioneLetture_G)(HttpContext.Current.Handler)).ObjectDataSource1.;
            var v = r.Cells[1].Text;
            bool retval = true;
            int i = 0;
            string cmdSQL = "UPDATE tb099_riepilogo_letture_elettrico SET " +
            "tb099_pod_id_tb001 =" + r.Cells[1].Text +", " +
            "tb099_fattura_id_tb027 =" + r.Cells[2].Text + "," +
            "tb099_data_lettura ='" + r.Cells[3].Text + "', " +
            "tb099_potcontrimp =" + r.Cells[4].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf1 =" + r.Cells[5].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf2 =" + r.Cells[6].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_eaf3 =" + r.Cells[7].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf1 =" + r.Cells[8].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf2 =" + r.Cells[9].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_erf3 =" + r.Cells[10].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf1 =" + r.Cells[11].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf2 =" + r.Cells[12].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_lettura_potf3 =" + r.Cells[13].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_tipo_misura ='" + r.Cells[14].Text + "', " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf1 =" + r.Cells[15].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf2 =" + r.Cells[16].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_eaf3 =" + r.Cells[17].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf1 =" + r.Cells[18].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf2 =" + r.Cells[19].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_erf3 =" + r.Cells[20].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1 =" + r.Cells[21].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2 =" + r.Cells[22].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3 =" + r.Cells[23].Text + ", " +
            "tb099_codice_pod ='" + r.Cells[24].Text + "', " +
            "tb099_is_iniziale =" + r.Cells[25].Text + " " +
            "WHERE tb099_id =" + idSel + ";";


            //bool retval = ne.Save();
            if (!retval) { throw new NorthwindDataException("UpdateEmployee failed."); }

        public static void DeleteLetture99(Lettura99 ne) {
            string cmdSQL =" DELETE FROM  tb099_riepilogo_letture_elettrico SET " + "";


    public class Lettura99 : INotifyPropertyChanged 
        public int tb099_id { get; set; }

        public int tb099_pod_id_tb001 { get; set; }

        public int? tb099_fattura_id_tb027 { get; set; }

        public DateTime? tb099_data_lettura { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_potcontrimp { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_eaf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_eaf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_eaf3 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_erf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_erf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_erf3 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_potf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_potf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_lettura_potf3 { get; set; }

        public string tb099_tipo_misura { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_eaf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_eaf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_eaf3 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_erf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_erf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_erf3 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf1 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf2 { get; set; }

        [SubSonicNumericPrecision(20, 6)]
        public decimal? tb099_consumo_progressivo_eaf3 { get; set; }

        public string tb099_codice_pod { get; set; }

        public bool? tb099_is_iniziale { get; set; }

        public Lettura99(object anID)

        public Lettura99()
            int i = 0;
           /* this.ID = anID;

            ConnectionStringSettings cts = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnection"];

            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(cts.ConnectionString);
            SqlCommand sc =
              new SqlCommand(" SELECT FirstName,LastName,Title,TitleOfCourtesy,ReportsTo " +
                             " FROM Employees " +
                             " WHERE EmployeeID = @empId",
            // Add the employee ID parameter and set its value.
            sc.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empId", SqlDbType.Int)).Value = Int32.Parse(anID.ToString());
            SqlDataReader sdr = null;

                sdr = sc.ExecuteReader();

                // This is not a while loop. It only loops once.
                if (sdr != null && sdr.Read())
                    // The IEnumerable contains DataRowView objects.
                    this.firstName = sdr["FirstName"].ToString();
                    this.lastName = sdr["LastName"].ToString();
                    this.title = sdr["Title"].ToString();
                    this.titleOfCourtesy = sdr["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
                    if (!sdr.IsDBNull(4))
                        this.reportsTo = sdr.GetInt32(4);
                    throw new NorthwindDataException("Data not loaded for employee id.");
                    if (sdr != null) sdr.Close();
                catch (SqlException)
                    // Log an event in the Application Event Log.

        // This method is called by the Set accessor of each property.
        // The CallerMemberName attribute that is applied to the optional propertyName
        // parameter causes the property name of the caller to be substituted as an argument.
        private void NotifyPropertyChanged([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        public bool Save()
            return true;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    internal class NorthwindDataException : Exception
        public NorthwindDataException(string msg) : base(msg) { }

Karthik_Mahalingam 6-Mar-17 4:23am    
post only relevant code, dont paste entire code.
Andy_Bell 6-Mar-17 4:52am    
Sorry, but I thought it be usefull to find the problem. I thought it depended by some Asp component or methode definition, so I was unable to select specific portions of code. In future I try to be more stringent.
Karthik_Mahalingam 6-Mar-17 5:01am    
hmm, but difficult to trace entire code..
Andy_Bell 6-Mar-17 5:37am    
I'm in your hands. Any sugestion will be appreciated
Karthik_Mahalingam 6-Mar-17 8:58am    
in which part you are getting stuck? simplify the issue.

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