First some observations...
- You need to set up the Dialog box
before you display it not afterwards
- As Richard said in his comment - use the correct type for your values
- It looks as if you were a Classic VB or VBA programmer before venturing into VB.NET ... there is no need to process the file line by line nor to use Peek (see below).
- There is a neater way to use the Split function (see below)
- Use the explicit Try and/or TryParse methods rather than CDbl or CInt - they are more robust (see below)
- There is no need to update the textbox text values within the loop - just do that once you have worked out the min and max values
Here is my first attempt at the problem:
Dim textfile As String
Dim openDlg As New OpenFileDialog
openDlg.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)| *.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
openDlg.FilterIndex = 1
openDlg.RestoreDirectory = True
If openDlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
textfile = openDlg.FileName
Dim fileLines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(textfile)
Dim col1 As List(Of Long) = New List(Of Long)()
Dim col2 As List(Of Long) = New List(Of Long)()
Dim col3 As List(Of Double) = New List(Of Double)()
Dim col4 As List(Of Double) = New List(Of Double)()
For Each fileLine As String In fileLines
If fileLine.StartsWith("S") Then fileLine = fileLine.Substring(1)
Dim items() As String = fileLine.Split(New Char() {CChar(vbTab), " "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim douRes As Double
If Integer.TryParse(items(0), lngRet) Then col1.Add(lngRet)
If Integer.TryParse(items(1), lngRet) Then col2.Add(lngRet)
If Double.TryParse(items(2), douRes) Then col3.Add(douRes)
If Double.TryParse(items(3), douRes) Then col4.Add(douRes)
MaxvalE.Text = col1.Item(col1.Count - 1).ToString()
MinvalE.Text = col1.Item(0).ToString()
MaxvalN.Text = col2.Item(col2.Count - 1).ToString()
MinvalN.Text = col2.Item(0).ToString()
End If
I say "first attempt" because I would probably carry on to see if I could create a DataTable from the file, or at least introduce a class for the rows in the table so I could encapsulate all of the behaviours (int or double, starts with S or not etc). But this is a working starting point for you.