I have here a simple winform c# app:
It is a simple "hear test" wizard with 10 Pages
wich plays on every page a diffrent wav File.
In Diffrent Frequencys.
For Exmaple:
The User sets the volumen by a trackbar to the
volume where he can hear the tone first.
On the last page their is a summary of all frequencys and volumens.
This winforms exe was just a testballoon.
Now i need to convert this somehow into a webpage,
i guess with html5 for playing the wav files and setting the volumen.
I am completly new to html5, i just have done a few tests with
Can somebody point me to some examples.
Do I neet asp.net in the background? Or can everything be done
simpely by html5 and some java script?
At the moment I dont know where to start.
Here is the source:
Dropbox - HoertestSource.zip[
The executeable is here:
Dropbox - HoertestV1.6.zip[
thanks in advance for your help
What I have tried:
Did a testapp in winforms, need to convert it somehow on a html5 webpage.