Okay, well I guess I've taken the incorrect approach entirely. My intention was to enable the user to download the file from the servers hard-drive. My treeview contains the current file structure for a directory on the server, and I would like to enable users to download any file present.
Currently, when a user selects a file, a javascript event is fired. My goal is to use this javascript event to open the download for the user. My function is filled with the parameter of the local address to the server. So if I have this local address (on the servers hard-drive), how can I enable the user to download this file (to their local hard-drive)?
My basic server folder structure looks like.
WWW Directory (Where site is hosted)
And I have a javascript function on the page collecting data from a post from which I want to enable the user to download the file.
function(serverFileAddress)<br />
{<br />
window.open(serverFileAddress, 'Download');<br />
<br />
}<br />
serverFileAddress will return the proper download if navigated to through the url address.
Thank you.