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In the DataBound code shown below, when fvWriteUp.PageCount and fvWriteUp.DataItem both = 1, why is fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow null when there is only one record on the page?
protected void fvWriteUp_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int totalPages = fvWriteUp.PageCount;
    int itemCount = fvWriteUp.DataItemCount;

    // Get the pager row. From MS FormView.BottomPagerRow Property
    FormViewRow pagerRow = fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow;

    // Get the Label controls that display the current page information 
    // from the pager row.

    Label pageNum = (Label)pagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("PageNumberLabel");
    Label totalNum = (Label)pagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("TotalPagesLabel");

    if ((pageNum != null) && (totalNum != null))
        // Update the Label controls with the current page values.
        int page = fvWriteUp.PageIndex + 1;
        int count = fvWriteUp.PageCount;
        pageNum.Text = page.ToString();
        totalNum.Text = count.ToString();

    <asp:Table CssClass="fvFooter" ID="RecordNav" runat="server">
             <asp:TableCell CssClass="recNav">
             <asp:Button ID="btnFirst" CssClass="btn btnRecNav" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="First" Text="First" runat="server" />
             <asp:Button ID="btnPrevious" CssClass="btn btnRecNav" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="Prev" Text="Previous" runat="server" />
             <asp:Button ID="btnNext" CssClass="btn btnRecNav" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="Next" Text="Next" runat="server" />
             <asp:Button ID="btnLast" CssClass="btn btnRecNav" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="Last" Text="Last" runat="server" />
            </asp:TableCell><asp:TableCell CssClass="recCounter">
            <asp:Label CssClass="lblRecs" ID="lblRecs1" runat="server" Text="Record"></asp:Label>
            <asp:Label CssClass="lblRecCount" ID="PageNumberLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label>
            <asp:Label CssClass="lblRecs" ID="lblRecs2" runat="server" Text="of"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label CssClass="lblRecCount" ID="TotalPagesLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label>                                                                                      </asp:TableCell><asp:TableCell></asp:TableCell></asp:TableRow></asp:Table>
<PagerSettings FirstPageText="First" LastPageText="Last" Mode="NextPreviousFirstLast"                 NextPageText="Next" PreviousPageText="Previous" Position="Bottom" />

What I have tried:

I’ve tried code like this in PreRender without luck

protected void fvWriteUp_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    FormViewRow pagerRow = fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow;
    if (pagerRow != null && pagerRow.Visible == false)
        pagerRow.Visible = true;
        fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow.Visible = true;

Richard MacCutchan 30-Oct-17 19:07pm    
Where does fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow; get set to a value?
Member 13494479 1-Nov-17 19:49pm    
Apologies for delayed response. Have had this question on various forums w/o response so have all but given up.
This webpage is being opened via a Menu on a master page thru a Response.Redirect. The code on this page that you might be asking about is
protected void fvWriteUp_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
FormViewRow pagerRow = fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow;
if (pagerRow != null && pagerRow.Visible == false)
pagerRow.Visible = true;
fvWriteUp.BottomPagerRow.Visible = true;
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Call FindButton_Click:
Response.Write("page_init ");
Master.FindButton.Click += new EventHandler(FindButton_Click);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
//Menu: use session vars from previous form to set datasource
Response.Write("page_load ");
string ClientFileCode = (string)(Session["sesClientFileCode"]);
string WOJob = (string)(Session["sesWOJob"]);
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["txtClientFileCode"].DefaultValue = ClientFileCode;
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["txtWOJob"].DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(WOJob);
fvWriteUp.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
protected void fvWriteUp_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Use the Row property to retrieve the data row from
// the FormView control.
FormViewRow row = fvWriteUp.Row;

// Get the data item bound to the FormView control.
DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)fvWriteUp.DataItem;

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