'you nee to use is_activeSpecified = true and include menu
'change your code like the following and will work perfectly
Dim intCategory As Integer
Dim mService As New MagentoService.MagentoService
Dim sessionID = mService.login(\"Keyideas\", \"testing\")
Dim cat As New MagentoService.catalogCategoryEntityCreate
cat.name = General.Name
cat.description = General.Description
cat.meta_keywords = General.MetaKeywords
cat.is_active = 1
cat.meta_description = General.MetaDescription
cat.is_activeSpecified = True
cat.include_in_menu = 1
cat.include_in_menuSpecified = True
intCategory = mService.catalogCategoryCreate(sessionID, 3, cat, \"\")
Return intCategory