hi, i'm rezki from Indonesia, i was a student at a university in Indonesia..
i use emgu cv to make a SURF program to image retrieval, and i have a list code like this :
Index fln = new Index(supermatrix, 4);
but then, it gives me an error like this :
Argument 2 : cannot convert from 'int' to 'Emgu.CV,Flann.IIndexparams
can you help me please..
i'm so stressfull to solving this error :'(
thank you so much.. and i'm sorry to take your time :D
What I have tried:
i have tried to use :
system.int32 x = 4;
and i take it to this code :
Index fln = new Index(supermatrix, x);
and then it says that cannot convert int to emgu.cv.flann.iindexparams