i want to convert 494E4352454153494E47 this into 2-digit hex value through VB6 can anyone help me
I have a code which convert to hex
slpe = Combo5.Text
bytes = StrConv(slpe, vbFromUnicode)
slpe = ""
For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
slpe = slpe & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
Next i
Combo5.Text = slpe
slpe = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
rs.Fields("slope").Value = Combo5.Text
if i use this code i'm able to convert INCREASING as 494E4352454153494E47 this and store in MSAccess
but i want to convert as 2-digit hex code
is it possible?
What I have tried:
slpe = Combo5.Text
bytes = StrConv(slpe, vbFromUnicode)
slpe = ""
For i = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
slpe = slpe & Format$(Hex$(bytes(i)), "00")
Next i
Combo5.Text = slpe
slpe = StrConv(bytes, vbUnicode)
rs.Fields("slope").Value = Combo5.Text