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I'm trying to find some consecutive nodes <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref...">...</xref> (when there are 3 or more) in a file that are separated by a comma or space and write them to a log file.

NOTE: The consecutive nodes that I'm trying to identify should have their respective rid values incremented by +1 minus the text ref. Here is small sample file

and the desired output is
<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref2">[2]</xref>, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref3">[3]</xref>, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref4">[4]</xref>

<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref11">[11]</xref>, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref12">[12]</xref> <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref13">[13]</xref>

here is the code that I'm using But it shows a dtd not found type error, how do I ignore that..I tried using the below code

What I have tried:

FileStream xmlStream = new FileStream(@"D:\test\12345.XML", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.XmlResolver = null;
settings.ProhibitDtd = false;
XmlReader reader = XmlTextReader.Create(xmlStream, settings);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

instead of

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;

But now it is showing only the first match...I'm confused.. Can anyone help please...
Updated 28-Feb-18 21:03pm

1 solution

I prefer to use XDocument class[^] which is very "flexible" when there's a need to implement custom search method. See:

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create("fullfilename.xml", settings));

var cons = xdoc.Descendants("xref")
    .Select(grp=> new
            Parent = grp.Key,
            ConsecutiveNodes = grp.Select((n, i)=> new
                    Index = i+1,
                    Node = n
            Count = grp.Count()

Console.WriteLine("3 or more consecutive nodes:");
foreach(var o in cons)
    if (o.Count>2)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string('=', 30));
        Console.WriteLine("Found in: {0} ... {1}", o.Parent.ToString().Substring(0,15), o.Parent.ToString().Substring(o.Parent.ToString().Length-15,15));
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string('-', 50));
        foreach (var c in o.ConsecutiveNodes)
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}", c.Node);
            Console.WriteLine("Original rid value [{0}] will be replaced with [{1}]", c.Node.Attribute("rid").Value, c.Index);
            c.Node.Attribute("rid").Value = c.Index.ToString();

Above code displays:
3 or more consecutive nodes:
Found in: <p>In this stud ... 15]</xref>.</p>
Original rid value [ref2] will be replaced with [1]
Original rid value [ref3] will be replaced with [2]
Original rid value [ref4] will be replaced with [3]
Original rid value [ref20] will be replaced with [4]
Original rid value [ref3] will be replaced with [5]
Original rid value [ref15] will be replaced with [6]
Found in: <p>The measurin ... cattering..</p>
Original rid value [ref11] will be replaced with [1]
Original rid value [ref12] will be replaced with [2]
Original rid value [ref13] will be replaced with [3]
Original rid value [ref4] will be replaced with [4]
Original rid value [T2] will be replaced with [5]

For further information, please see:
XDocument.Load Method (XmlReader) (System.Xml.Linq)[^]
XmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing Property (System.Xml)[^]

Feel free to change code to your needs. Good luck!
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Member 12692000 1-Mar-18 7:27am    
Hi Maciej, thanks for your post...btw can you explain the portion
.Select(grp=> new
Parent = grp.Key,
ConsecutiveNodes = grp.Select((n, i)=> new
Index = i+1,
Node = n
Count = grp.Count()

I did not get that...also why does it show rid values other than [ref...]? how can I get only [ref...] values(which are 3 consecutive nodes or more) like the desired output....
Maciej Los 1-Mar-18 8:12am    
Well... I wasn't sure what you mean by consecutive nodes... You probably want to get only those nodes which attribute [rid] contains [ref] word.
Change this piece of code:
.Where(x=>x.Attribute("rid").Value.Contains("ref")) //<-- condition has been added!

As to your ask...
To be able to get consecutive nodes (one after another), we need to group them by their parents (in this case [p] nodes). Above select satatement gets parent node and all [xref] nodes of that parent and adds index to be able to change [rid] attribute.
Member 12692000 1-Mar-18 8:51am    
Thanks for your reply...Can you do me one last favor...
Instead of showing all [rid] with text [ref] it should show only the [rid] of [ref] with consecutive values i.e.
Original rid value [ref2] will be replaced with [1]
Original rid value [ref3] will be replaced with [2]
Original rid value [ref4] will be replaced with [3]
Original rid value [ref20] will be replaced with [4]
Original rid value [ref3] will be replaced with [5]
Original rid value [ref15] will be replaced with [6]

should be

Original rid value [ref2] will be replaced with [1]
Original rid value [ref3] will be replaced with [2]
Original rid value [ref4] will be replaced with [3]

and so on...
Maciej Los 1-Mar-18 8:58am    
Oohhh! You mean consecutive if rid is consecutive: ref2; ref3; ref4, but not [xref] node...
Member 12692000 1-Mar-18 9:33am    

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