At this point, there is no need to use the wrapper class to get a one-digit-number you've entered.
You can use simply:
int value = sc1.nextLine().charAt(0) - '0';
Keep at mind, that this code will crash when there was no input given. You should prefer exception handling:
try {
this.value_1 = sc1.nextLine().charAt(0) - '0';
}catch( NullPointerException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.err.println("Invalid input.");
If you just want to read this single one byte information, you can avoid the use of the
Scanner class and get the input from the InputStream directly.
The (
from InputStream ) method reads a single byte from stdin, keep in mind, that this may throw a
IOException if there are some errors.
try {
this.value_1 = - '0';
}catch( IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not read from the input stream: " + e.getMessage());