Hi I have little problem but I do not know how to code this, I have textile shop for sell goods by yarda like meter. the problem is I want to print barcode contains id name item and item name total of yards and total of price I want when I enter qty of product the zebra barcode print level and I stick this level in good and the custumer give goods to saleman the saleman scan level and show in system item name and number of yards. the siniore like acless scale used in grocerry but in appllication.
try { if (itm_id.Text == "") return; if (ConnClass.conbase.State == ConnectionState.Open) { ConnClass.conbase.Close(); } ConnClass.conbase.Open(); //var idtms = itm_id.Text; //int iditm_int = int.Parse(itm_id.Text); //int itmid = int.Parse(itm_id.Text); string Itm_Show_qry = "select * from ITEM where ITM_ID='" +Strings.Trim(this.itm_id.Text)+"'"; OleDbDataAdapter itm_da = new OleDbDataAdapter(Itm_Show_qry, ConnClass.conbase); DataSet itm_ds = new DataSet(); itm_da.Fill(itm_ds); if (itm_ds == null) return; if (itm_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { itm_ar_name.Text = itm_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ITM_NAME"].ToString(); //itm_barcode.Text = itm_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ITM_CODE"].ToString(); itm_price.Text = itm_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ITM_PRICE"].ToString(); barcodelebel.Text = itm_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ITM_CODE"].ToString(); itmQty.Text = "1"; } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message, "AB_Account", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
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