Hi all,
I just started to play with WCF (O'Reilly's WCF book at my hands).
So far I get the point, but now I stumbled into something I can not work around.
The DataContract I use contains an Array of KeyValuePairs, which are defined in a different assembly (My.Lib.MessageParams).
The project itself has a different namespace (My.Wcf.Test1).
When I create the proxy via svcutil I get a proxy class that defines the DataMembers as expected.
Here comes the problem, the proxy gets the same namespace as the one where the DataContract is defined in (my.lib.MessageParams).
Can I somehow adjust this?
I do not want to have the same namespace here (My.Lib.MessageParams)
because of an event I want to fire when a message is receiced.
I tried the following:
This now seems to work (I din't change anything, I just ran svcutil multiple times), but the namespace is turned into lowercase now.
As Toli pointed out it should be pascal-cased...
Any idea how to fit this convention?
Any help is kindly appreciated ;)
best regards and have a good day