I would suggest you visit CKEditor's documentation and try what is provided there, Drag and Drop Integration - CKEditor 4 Documentation[^]. Keep reading.
If you want to find a good solution, Google is the place to ask for such queries. Google yeilds,
Drag and Drop Image Uploads | CKEditor.com[^] (MIT license)
SimpleUploads (file and images upload options) | CKEditor.com[^] (Commercial lincese)
Ignore the above links as they are upload plugins, whereas your requirement is different.
CodeProject also has some good resources and you can search for the material in the top-right corner, try,
"ckeditor drag and drop" "ckeditor page builder", and you might be able to find something.
Reading your question a bit more, it seems like you want a page builder, for that the following plugin might help,
Bootstrap Builder (Mobile Friendly / Responsive) | CKEditor.com[
^]. Also, in future, please use the correct namings; page-builder instead of drag-and-drop. Drag and drop mostly is confused for upload plugins.