Software.FrmMain frmMain = new Software.FrmMain();
if (comBuffer[3] == 100) frmMain.radioButtonA.Checked = true;
As Rob pointed out in the comments, you are creating a new instance of your form, changing its state, and then
throwing it away without ever showing it to the user.
You said the COM port is on the main form - the same form as the radio buttons. If that's the case, simply update the radio buttons on the current instance:
if (comBuffer[3] == 100) this.radioButtonA.Checked = true;
If that's not the case, then you'll need to have a reference to the correct
instance available to your event handler.
Have a look at this series of articles for a better understanding:
Transferring information between two forms, Part 1: Parent to Child[
Transferring information between two forms, Part 2: Child to Parent[
Transferring information between two forms, Part 3: Child to Child[