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what i am doing in my user mode app :

typedef struct KM_READ_REQUEST
	ULONG ProcessId;

	UINT_PTR Address;
	void* Output;


template <typename type>
	type RPM(UINT_PTR ReadAddress)
		if (hDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
			return {};

		DWORD64 Bytes;
		KM_READ_REQUEST ReadRequest{};

		type response{};

		ReadRequest.ProcessId = PID;
		ReadRequest.Address = ReadAddress;
		ReadRequest.Size = sizeof(type);
		ReadRequest.Output = &response;

		// i need to return response;

              hMapFile = OpenFileMappingA(FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, "Global\\SharedMem");
	if (!hMapFile || hMapFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		printf("OpenFileMappingA(write) fail! Error: %u\n", GetLastError());
		return 0;

        // i need to send ReadRequest to my mapped section aka to kernel mode
	pBuf = (ReadRequest)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 4096);
	if (!pBuf)
		printf("OpenFileMappingA(write) fail! Error: %u\n", GetLastError());
		return 0;

// copied data to the mapped section

      // now i need to trigger the kernel xD

        auto szMessage		= std::string("");
	auto dwWriteCount	= 0UL;

        szMessage = "read_shared_memory";

	dwWriteCount = 0UL;
	if (WriteFile(hDriver, szMessage.c_str(), szMessage.size() + 1, &dwWriteCount, NULL) == FALSE)
		printf("WriteFile(read) fail! Error: %u\n", GetLastError());
		return false;

       // now i call readsharedmemory from my kernel to read the shared memory section and to call my read memory function.
// then i read the output like this

auto hMapFile = OpenFileMappingA(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, "Global\\SharedMemoryTest");
	if (!hMapFile || hMapFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		printf("OpenFileMappingA(read) fail! Error: %u\n", GetLastError());
		return 0;

// idk how to read an unkown value () <- i need to cast it or smth. trying to read [ Readoutput from kernel ]

	auto pBuf = ()MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 4096);
	if (!pBuf)
		printf("OpenFileMappingA(read) fail! Error: %u\n", GetLastError());
		return 0;

// now i can read that  pBuf or assign it to response; but i guess i need a mutex because this whole thing is missed up and if 
// i tried to read it would execute so fast and i would either crash or get a random value


kernel mode :
PVOID SharedSection = NULL;
HANDLE Sectionhandle;

VOID ReadSharedMemory()
	if (Sectionhandle)

	if (g_pSharedSection)
		ZwUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), SharedSection);

	SIZE_T ulViewSize = 1024 * 10;
	NTSTATUS ntStatus = ZwMapViewOfSection(g_hSection, NtCurrentProcess(), &SharedSection, 0, ulViewSize, NULL, &ulViewSize, ViewShare, 0, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_NOCACHE);
	if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		DbgPrint("ZwMapViewOfSection fail! Status: %p\n", ntStatus);
	DbgPrint("ZwMapViewOfSection completed!\n");

	DbgPrint("Shared memory read data: %s\n", SharedSection);

typedef struct KM_READ_REQUEST
	ULONG ProcessId;

	UINT_PTR Address;
	void* Output;


NTSTATUS ReadKernelMemory(PEPROCESS Process, PVOID SourceAddress, PVOID TargetAddress, SIZE_T Size)
	PSIZE_T Bytes;
	if (NT_SUCCESS(MmCopyVirtualMemory(Process, SourceAddress, PsGetCurrentProcess(),
		TargetAddress, Size, KernelMode, &Bytes)))


	char szBuffer[255] = { 0 };
	strcpy(szBuffer, pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer);
	DbgPrint("User message received: %s(%u)", szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer));

	if (strcmp(szBuffer, "read_shared_memory"))
                KeAcquireGuardedMutex (&g_IrpReadMutex);
		ReadSharedMemory(); // reads shared memory the one i have copied before using memcpy.
		void* ReadOutput = ReadInput->Output;

		PEPROCESS Process;
		// Get our process
		if (NT_SUCCESS(PsLookupProcessByProcessId(ReadInput->ProcessId, &Process))) {
			Status = ReadKernelMemory(Process, ReadInput->Address, ReadOutput, ReadInput->Size);
		else {
			return Status;

		//DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "Read Params:  %lu, %#010x \n", ReadInput->ProcessId, ReadInput->Address);

                // clears sharedSection var so we can use it again

                // copies the ReadOutput value to our mapped section 

                KeReleaseGuardedMutex (&g_IrpReadMutex);

	pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
	pIrp->IoStatus.Information = strlen(szBuffer);
	IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

NTSTATUS OnMajorFunctionCall(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDriverObject, PIRP pIrp)

	PIO_STACK_LOCATION pStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
	switch (pStack->MajorFunction)
		case IRP_MJ_WRITE:
			OnIRPWrite(pDriverObject, pIrp);

			pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
			IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

// in our driver entry 

What I have tried:

Of course am mapping memory and stuff but this is just what i want to achieve, but failing with 3 things

1 - its really bad code , and it will give bsod 100% because i don't wait for anything i just try to read what is in the section . (i guess a mutex is needed here)

2 - i can't send ReadOutput from my kernel driver to my user mode or i can't read it because the value of it will change so idk how to get it.

3 - it will keep creating a mapped section everytime i call RPM function (read memory)

so idk any suggestions guys is much appreciated.
Updated 10-Mar-19 12:03pm

If you never close those handles you will eventually run out of them. I made a little class that does the mapping and then unmaps and closes the handle on destruction so it is automatic. I recommend you do the same. You can use RPM as the constructor.

To help synchronize things, I would add a counter you can use to signal new requests. You can stay mapped to the shared memory that way if you want to and there is no reason not to that I can think of. It can be incremented when a new request is made and again when it has been serviced. If you don't want to do that, an event could be used to signal requests.
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Member 14130865 11-Mar-19 13:56pm    
@Rick York so could i use a mutex inside my RPM function and share it with kernel driver then when my kernel driver executes that "read_shared_memory" request , it will release the mutex and i can use it back to read the file from kernel that has the Readoutput . its confusing tbh
Rick York 11-Mar-19 14:17pm    
Yes, you could, but it doesn't have to be a mutex. It can be an event. It has to be a named objected in either case. It seems that your programs aren't actually waiting for exclusive access. Your program/driver are waiting for a signal that says there is something to do. What I am not sure of is if a kernel level driver can access a standard OS object because I have never worked on a kernel driver. That is something you will have to test and verify.
Are you the same person as Member 14130865 - Professional Profile[^], who posted a very similar question? If so please delete your duplicate account and use the original one.
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