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Hello everybody.

I made a list box with the owner draw variable property enabled and handled both draw and measure item events to customize it.

the problem is:

I used a gradient brush for the selection but the color changes from the top of the list box to its bottom.:confused: I wish to make one gradient color for all the items like this.

I also wish to implement hot tracking with the same color.

The code I used:
private: System::Void listBox1_DrawItem(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::DrawItemEventArgs^  e) 
  if ((e->State & DrawItemState::Selected) == DrawItemState::Selected)
    Graphics^ G = listBox1->CreateGraphics();
    System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientBrush^ myBrush =  gcnew System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle,Color::Azure, Color::Violet, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientMode::Vertical);
    System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientBrush^ myBrush2 =  gcnew System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle,Color::LightBlue, Color::White, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::LinearGradientMode::Horizontal);
    System::Drawing::Pen^ P = gcnew System::Drawing::Pen(myBrush2);
    e->Graphics->FillRectangle(myBrush, e->Bounds);
  System::Drawing::Font^ F = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Microsoft Sans Serif",8 );
    e->Graphics->DrawString("Size:  600.4 MB	Last Modified::12/12/2012",F, Brushes::Black, e->Bounds.X+1, e->Bounds.Y+20);
    e->Graphics->DrawString("Type: Folder	Extension:ELF",F, Brushes::Black, e->Bounds.X+1, e->Bounds.Y+40);
    e->Graphics->DrawString("C:\\Files\\Folders\\Some Folder",F, Brushes::Green, e->Bounds.X+1, e->Bounds.Y+60);
    e->Graphics->FillRectangle(Brushes::White, e->Bounds);
    System::Drawing::Pen^ Pe = gcnew System::Drawing::Pen(Color::White);					    e->Graphics->DrawRectangle(Pe,e->Bounds);
    System::Drawing::Font^ F = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Microsoft Sans Serif",12 );
    e->Graphics->DrawString(listBox1->Items[e->Index]->ToString(),F, Brushes::Blue, e->Bounds.X, e->Bounds.Y);
// Draw the focus rectangle around the selected item.
				 catch(Exception^ ex){}

private: System::Void listBox1_MeasureItem(System::Object^  sender, System::Windows::Forms::MeasureItemEventArgs^  e) {
				 e->ItemHeight += 65;

I appreciate any help.
Thanks alot.
Updated 22-Nov-10 21:18pm
Alain Rist 23-Nov-10 3:19am    
Changed C++ tag to C++/CLI

1 solution

I really should have concentrated.

I changed [ClientRectangle] to [e->Bounds] and it went alright.

but still don't know about Hot-tracking :((

could anybody give me logic or code. I found it's related to Mouse Enter, Move, and Leave events but couldn't understand the code. It wasn't in C++.

and yes, how can I make the selection rectangle rounded from the edges?:confused:

Thanks again.
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