I would like to ask if you can give me some help.
I have to implement a slicing tree that represent a slicing floorplan.
(A slicing floorplan divides a rectangle with horizontal and vertical cuts, and can be represented by a binary tree, called slicing tree. Its internal nodes are the cuts, and external nodes are the basic rectangles into which the floorplan is decomposed by the cuts.)
I should solve the compaction problem, i.e. to find the smallest possible height and width for each rectangle of the slicing floorplan that is compatible with the minimum dimensions of the basic rectangles.
This problem is similar with Goodrich and Tamassia Data Structures and algorithmts book, 4th edition, page 444-445.
w(v) = w -if v is an external node whose basic rectangle has minimum weight w.
w(v)= max(w(w),w(z)) if v is an internal node associated with a horizontal cut with left child w and right child z.
w(v) = w(w) + w(z) -if v is an internal node associated with a vertical cut with left child w and right child z.
h(v) = h -if v is an external node whose basic rectangle has minimum height h.
h(v) =h(w) + h(z) -if v is an internal node associated with a horizontal cut with left child w and right child z.
h(v) = max(h(w), h(z)) if v is an internal node associated with a vertical cut with left child w and right child z.
So, I have written a driver program (FileRead.java), which creates an instance of a SlicingTree class, and gradually constructs the tree as follows.
It reads directives from the file test.txt, and each line indicate an operation to be performed on the tree. There is one directive per line.
Each directive consists of the name of the directive followed by 0 or more arguments, separated by tab. Here are the possible directives and their meanings
create-root L //create the root of the tree and label it as L
cut-h L LC LR //divide the node labeled L into two by a horizontal cut,
//label bottom(left) child as LC, label top(right) child as LR
cut-v L LC LR //divide the node labeled L into two by a vertical
//cut, label the left child as LC, label the right child as LR
assign-w L x //set the width of the node labeled as L to x
assign-h L x //set the height of the node labeled as L to x compact
//Perform the compaction algorithm on the tree display Display the tree as described above
quit //this is the last directive
Also, I have written the SlicingTree.java, where I defined the class for slicing tree. It compiles without errors.
When I compile FileRead.java, I have errors like: cannot find symbol; symbol class STNode, location class FileRead and "cut_horizontal (STNode) in FileRead cannot be applied to () cut_horizontal();"
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class FileRead
public static int create_root()
return 0;
public static int cut_horizontal(STNode v)
return 0;
public static int cut_vertical(STNode v)
return 0;
public static int assign_width(STNode v, int width)
return 0;
public static int assign_height(STNode v, int height)
return 0;
public static int assign_label(STNode v, char label)
return 0;
public static int compact()
return 0;
public static int display()
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args)
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("test.txt");
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String strLine;
while((strLine = br.readLine()) != null)
if(strLine == "create-root L ")
if(strLine == "create-root L ")
if(strLine == "cut-h L LC LR ")
if(strLine == "cut-v L LC LR")
if(strLine == "assign-w L X")
if(strLine == "assign-h L X")
if(strLine == "compact")
if(strLine == "display")
if(strLine == "quit")
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SlicingTree
protected static class STNode
protected Object data;
protected STNode left;
protected STNode right;
public STNode(Object data)
this.data = data;
left = null;
right = null;
public String toString()
return data.toString();
protected STNode root;
public SlicingTree()
root = null;
protected SlicingTree(STNode root)
this.root = root;
public SlicingTree(Object data, SlicingTree leftTree, SlicingTree rightTree)
root = new STNode(data);
if (leftTree != null) {
root.left = leftTree.root;
else {
root.left = null;
if (rightTree != null) {
root.right = rightTree.root;
else {
root.right = null;
public SlicingTree getLeftSubtree()
if (root != null && root.left != null)
return new SlicingTree(root.left);
return null;
public SlicingTree getRightSubtree()
if (root != null && root.right != null)
return new SlicingTree(root.right);
else {
return null;
boolean isLeaf()
return (root.left == null && root.right == null);
public String toString()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
preOrderTraverse(root, 0, sb);
return sb.toString();
private void preOrderTraverse(STNode node, int depth, StringBuffer sb)
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
sb.append(" ");
if (node == null)
preOrderTraverse(node.left, depth + 1, sb);
preOrderTraverse(node.right, depth + 1, sb);
public static SlicingTree readSlicingTree (BufferedReader bR) throws IOException {
String data =bR.readLine().trim();
if (data.equals("null"))
return null;
SlicingTree left = readSlicingTree(bR);
SlicingTree right = readSlicingTree(bR);
return new SlicingTree(data, left, right);
public Object getData()
if (root != null)
return root.data;
return null;