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Hi all

I am scheduling a task through code.By default the "Run as" user is
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. And also the properties are disabled like "Run,Start in,Comment and so on".
My question is I want to create a scheduled job running as user administrator through code. Here is the code which creates the schedule with SYSTEM User. How can I create the schedule with other users?
string strJobId = "";
    int DaysOfMonth=0;
    int DaysOfWeek=0;
    ManagementClass classInstance = new ManagementClass("root\\CIMV2", "Win32_ScheduledJob", null);
    ManagementBaseObject inParams = classInstance.GetMethodParameters("Create");
    inParams["Command"] = "Notepad.exe";
    inParams["InteractWithDesktop"] = true;
    inParams["RunRepeatedly"] = true;
    if (DaysOfMonth > 0)
        inParams["DaysOfMonth"] = 0;
    if (DaysOfWeek > 0)
        inParams["DaysOfWeek"] = 0;
    inParams["StartTime"] = "20101129105409.000000+330";
    ManagementBaseObject outParams =
            classInstance.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null);

    strJobId = outParams["JobId"].ToString();
    Console.WriteLine("Out parameters:");
    Console.WriteLine("JobId: " + outParams["JobId"]);

    Console.WriteLine("ReturnValue: " + outParams["ReturnValue"]);
    catch (ManagementException err)

    return strJobId;
Updated 29-Nov-10 20:48pm
froxy 30-Nov-10 5:57am    
The code works well with other users also.Thank you very much.but in my project WMI has been used already.Do you know how to include administrator user to create a schedule in WMI?If i can do this with WMI it will be very useful.
Please it is urgent. cn u help in this regard.
thanks in advance.
Manfred Rudolf Bihy 30-Nov-10 6:47am    
Was this meant as a comment on my answer below? If you don't write a comment to the corresponding answer, the person who answered will not be notified. Only if you respond via a comment to my answer will I be able to receive the notification. Thank you!

Hello Froxy,

if you're looking for a great library to do what you want. Please visit this project by Dennis Austin (based on work by Dave Hall):

I've used it in some projects before and like it very much. With the appropriate access rights you can even access scheduled jobs on remote computers with it.


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Dalek Dave 30-Nov-10 6:59am    
Good Call.
I fear that creating a scheduled job running running as another user is not possible at all. See the WMI class definition:

class Win32_ScheduledJob : CIM_Job
  string   Caption;
  string   Command;
  uint32   DaysOfMonth;
  uint32   DaysOfWeek;
  string   Description;
  datetime ElapsedTime;
  datetime InstallDate;
  boolean  InteractWithDesktop;
  uint32   JobId;
  string   JobStatus;
  string   Name;
  string   Notify;
  string   Owner;
  uint32   Priority;
  boolean  RunRepeatedly;
  datetime StartTime;
  string   Status;
  datetime TimeSubmitted;
  datetime UntilTime;

There is no parameter like RunAs and neither a password can be specified. The only way I see this being done is using the TaskScheduler library.

Also read this:

In the very first sentence of that page you're told that WMI job scheduling works the same as AT command. Using AT command it's also
impossible to specify a user account & password.


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