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Hi all,

i'm looking for a solution on how to draw a wavy line on inkcanvas. So whenever i draw something on inkcanvas, it should be rendered to a wavy line. I found a way on how to do it in Winforms using sineFunction (but only for straight Lines!). I pass the start and end point to the function and draw it on the form.
Exmpl. code of drawing curve:

<pre lang="vb">
Dim t As Graphics = CreateGraphics()
t.DrawCurve(p, sine(A, B)) ' A,B start and endpoints
Public Function sine(ByVal start As Point, ByVal ende As Point) As Point()
        Dim sidea As Integer = ende.X - start.X
        Dim sideb As Integer = ende.Y - start.Y
        Dim hypot As Double = CSng(Sqrt((sidea ^ 2) + (sideb ^ 2)))
        Dim angle As Double = CSng(Atan2(sideb, sidea))
        Dim points As Point() = New Point(10) {}
        Dim c As Integer = 0, n As Integer = 10
        While c <= 10
            points(c) = New Point(CInt(hypot / 10 * c), n)
            n = -n
            c += 1
        End While
        Dim mx As New Drawing2D.Matrix()
        mx.Rotate(CSng(angle / Math.PI * 180))
        mx.Translate(A.X, A.Y, Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Append)
        Return (points)
    End Function

I'v found ways for a dynamic renderer to draw ellips, rects and so on, but not for wavy line.

thx in advance for any help

This[^] should surely help you out.
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Albin Abel 17-Mar-11 5:59am    
Good link
Abhinav S 17-Mar-11 6:02am    
Tarun.K.S 17-Mar-11 13:55pm    
Yup good link!
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 17-Mar-11 16:14pm    
The problem is not too difficult, this article should be enough, my 5.
capricorner 18-Mar-11 9:05am    
First of all, thx all of you guys. Tried again using stroke.StylusPoints to pass each styluspoint collected to the luck. It works for a straight horizontal line, but if i draw from top Right to bottom left the sinewave appears far away from my origin line. I'm not a Professional Programmer, i wanna draw an application where users can draw on a InkCanvas with different Strokepattern. The wavy line should also be possible on a curve itself.
Abhinav's link is good. However the simplified version of that solution is...


<Polyline Name="polyline1" Stroke="Red"


for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++)
double x = i * Math.PI;
double y = 40 + 30 * Math.Sin(x/10);
polyline1.Points.Add(new Point(x, y));

Where the 40 is simply a translation factor for the graphic. 30 is the amplitude. This is just to explain how a sinusoidal formed using trig instead of you just copy cat the code.

Improved Answer
If need to draw a wavy polyline on a canvas using a start and end point then this function may help

        public void drawWawyPolyline(Point start, Point end)
            double x=0;
            double y=0;
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((start.X - end.X), 2) + Math.Pow((start.Y - end.Y), 2));
            Point refPoint = new Point(start.X + distance, start.Y);
            double endX = (refPoint.X / Math.PI) + 1;

            double angle1 = rad2deg(Math.Acos(Math.Abs((end.X - start.X)) / distance));
            double angle2 = rad2deg(Math.Asin(Math.Abs((end.Y - start.Y)) / distance));
            double angle = (angle1 + angle2) / 2;
            for (double startX = start.X / Math.PI; startX <= endX; startX++)
               x = startX * Math.PI;
               y = start.Y + 10 * Math.Sin(x / 10);
                polyline1.Points.Add(new Point(x, y));
            RotateTransform trans = new RotateTransform(angle, start.X, start.Y);
            polyline1.RenderTransform = trans;


private double deg2rad(double deg)
     return Math.PI * deg / 180;
 private double rad2deg(double rad)
     return rad * (180 / Math.PI);
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capricorner 17-Mar-11 7:48am    
Thank you Guys for your help...appreciate! But how to get the sinewave to where ever i have drawn with the i have to pass some collected styluspoints to a sinefuncion? (sinewave follows the path of ink)

Albin Abel 17-Mar-11 13:14pm    
I have added additional codes to my improved answer. Try testing this in a canvas where no prior transformation effected. May be helpful
capricorner 17-Mar-11 17:45pm    
thx AlbinAbel...could'nt get it to work as i thought.
I've tried it with custom rendering ink as luck. here the link:

so at the end i will "replace" the ink-line with a wavy-line
I will try again...& let you know
Tarun.K.S 17-Mar-11 13:55pm    
Well explained! have a 5!
Albin Abel 17-Mar-11 14:24pm    
Thanks Tarun.K.S. Let us see is it helpful for capricorner

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