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I need to share data between a windows service and another process.
I've tried doing it using file mapping.

I wrote a small program which works well on WindowsXP, a small time service, which writes the time to shared memory every second.

I can read this memory in another process without a problem (on XP).

I've tried the same program on windows 7, and the service itself can read the last written time, but when trying to read the shared memory from another process, the mapping is done to another file - I can read/write from/to this file and got values unrelated to the file with the same name I'm using on the windows service.

I've tried using "Global\" prefix, It works well on XP (after granting permission to create global objects), but still the same behavior on Windows 7.

bool SharedMemoryManager::GetSecurityDescriptor(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR& sd, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES& sa)
	if (!::InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
		return false;

	if (!::SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, (PACL) NULL, FALSE))
		return false;

	sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
	sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
	sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;

	return true;

bool SharedMemoryManager::OpenSharedMemory(bool& wasMemoryAlreadyExist, DWORD sizeOfSharedMemory)
	SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* pSecurityAttributes = &sa;
	if (!GetSecurityDescriptor(sd, sa))
		DTK_ERROR("SharedMemoryManager::OpenSharedMemory: failed to get security descriptor (error code %0)") 
			<< PdkString::fromWindowLastError();
		pSecurityAttributes = NULL;

    // Create a named file mapping
    fileMapping_ = ::CreateFileMapping(
	if (fileMapping_ == NULL)
		DTK_ERROR("SharedMemoryManager::OpenSharedMemory: Shared memory cannot be opened: %0")
			<< PdkString::fromWindowLastError();
		return false;
	wasMemoryAlreadyExist = (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);//see usage below	
	//genearte the shared memory view 
    sharedMemoryAdress_ = ::MapViewOfFile(fileMapping_, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);

	if (sharedMemoryAdress_ == NULL)
		DTK_ERROR("SharedMemoryManager::OpenSharedMemory: Failed to generate a view of the shared memory: %0")
			<< PdkString::fromWindowLastError();
		return false;

	return true;

void SharedMemoryManager::CloseSharedMemory()
	if (sharedMemoryAdress_) 
		sharedMemoryAdress_ = NULL;

	if (fileMapping_) 
		fileMapping_ = NULL;
strogg 6-May-11 5:52am    
Strange, try passing NULL to the Security Descriptor (to use default security) - Also did you forget to put a double-backslash for global (Global\\Name)?
Also, you have not shown the OpenFileMapping() code (in other process)

You need to create and access that file/memory with the lowest rights of any process who use it.
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strogg was right, Global\\ was missing, since we use \\ as a separator, so when passing the "Global\\name" the \\ was removed.

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