I have a problem developing my final project.
Here's brief explanation about my project :
- I have a smartdeviec (PDA) running VB.Net based application
- I have a MySQL Database at web hosting (over the internet) which I need to connect to my PDA.
- My PDA can retrieve and show data (at table or datagrid, maybe)
- My PDA can send parameter for query to MySQL (so that i can select record from any table i want from decided form at my vb.net system.
e.g, I want to select customer live in Australia --> I open CustomerForm at my system, insert location = Australia at textfield, then submit it. The result is Customer live in Australia shown at table or datagrid.
But find it difficult to perform connection between my vb.net smartdevice project with MySQL.
I have tried create WebService, but when i run it on emulator PDA the record of database didn't shown up. The only things shown up is the header (Field name at Database table).
What I need is :
"How to perform connection between PDA (VB.Net) with MySQL, so ican do database manipulation (Insert, delete, update)"
I used :
MySQL Connector.Net v5.2
Could anyone help me?
If you don't mind I need you to send me an email at [DELETED][at]gmail.com.
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