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In my winform application I need to read data from sample.csv file and write that data into demo.xls. I used Stream Reader classes to read the data from csv into a string. When I used StreatWriter class the entire row is coming in a single cell, which is not my aim. How to solve this issue?

sample.csv contains:
ID Name Sal Location
1 tom 345 USA
2 Martin 4533 NJ
3 Dell 3433 York

Can anyone suggests me please?
Updated 13-Jun-11 1:25am

That's not a csv file. A CSV file is comma-delimited.

If it WERE an actual CSV file, excel will already openit as you expect it to.
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Member 8001800 13-Jun-11 7:52am    
That is Microsoft Excel Comma Seperated values File, which looks like xls file but not xls file. I tried to change the extension to .xls and tried to open. In xls every row that present in sample.csv comes in a single cell.WhenI tried to save as sample.xls file it is working as I want. So I want to automate the saveas functionality.
sInputArray = Split(input_csv_stiring, ",")

This assumes the csv file columns are in the correct order. write each array member to the correspondong Excel column.

ioInput is an array with same number of elements as number of columns.

While Not ioLine = ""
    ioLine = ioFile.ReadLine
    ioInput = Split(ioLine, ",")
    '--> Write to Excel Object for each line
End While

Also, to write to an Excel file you will need to interop with Excel from VB[^]
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Member 8001800 13-Jun-11 7:57am    
Here is the code i have written: Can you suggest me where i need to add above code.

Dim ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\sample.csv")
Dim ioLine As String
Dim ioLines As String
ioLine = ioFile.ReadLine
ioLines = "ID,Name,Sal,Location"
ioLines &= vbCrLf & ioLine
While Not ioLine = ""
ioLine = ioFile.ReadLine
ioLines = ioLines & vbCrLf & ioLine
End While
Dim ioWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\new.csv")

In this code I am trying to read from a sample.csv file and writing it into new.csv file. Could you please suggest the changes?
Try this from your code in the comments

Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
       Using ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("sample.csv")
           While Not ioFile.EndOfStream
               sb.Append(ioFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf)
           End While
       End Using
       Using ioWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("new.csv")
       End Using

that should do what you want I think.
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