Greetings all,
First of all, let me apologize for newbingly not knowing where to address this question properly, as I'm somewhat "green" behind the ears when it comes to coding. I have a feeling that the answer to my question is very easy, but I'm tired of fighting it. A friend gave me a few basic batch/VB scripts a year ago, and I've been hooked on it ever since.
The issue I'm having revolves around a batch I've written to collect User profile data on retired workstations in our organization. These are all WinXP SP2 or SP#. I use it to copy over their data from: My Documents, Favorites, Microsoft/Signatures, Outlook profiles, and a few other locations to a backup server location.
The issue; How can I go about creating a variable list from the local C:\Documents and Settings\%Username% dir? I have it setup to run manually (as a SET /P %var%= ), which is fine, but some of these PC's have a lot (25+ profiles) on them. I'd like to create the list and loop the command to run the batch for each User profile.
My experience with Command-line is far greater than my VB experience, but I'm open to using/calling any script to accomplish this task.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, and if I need to elaborate more I will.