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I want to navigate records in datagridview according to the character that passed in the searching text box.
For example if i enter a character 's' the records should be started from s in datagrid view. I'm facing problem while running query i write the following code but it is not working well.
Please suggest me is my syntax wrong or query? or modify this code. Please do some changes
string s;
       private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           s = textBox1.Text;

           OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=d:/passangerdb.mdb");
           // MessageBox.Show("connected");
           OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select p_name,id_no,rout,d_o_b from passager where p_name like's%' ", con);
           DataSet ds = new DataSet();
           da.Fill(ds, "passager");
           int x = 0;
           x = ds.Tables["passager"].Rows.Count;
           if (x == 0)
               MessageBox.Show("no person exist with this name" + textBox1.Text);

               dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["passager"];
Updated 3-Jul-11 4:12am

1 solution

OP wrote:
I'm facing problem while running query i write the following code but it is not working well.
What do you mean? any error message?
Try like these
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select p_name,id_no,rout,d_o_b from passager where p_name like'" + s + "%'", con);

OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select p_name,id_no,rout,d_o_b from passager where p_name like'" + textBox1.Text + "%'", con);
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