I have two dropdown list. Each one contain start week and End week Details.
Start Week : 1-2006(1st Week,year 2006) to 52-2020 (52 week,2020 Year)
End Week : 1-2006 to 52-2020
if i select startweek "1-2006" (1st week,2006 year) and EndWeek "41-2007" (41st week,2007 Year) then i want to get the count of week in between start week and end week.
Note : start week and end week data Hardcoded in the database till 2020. like 1-2006 to 52-2020 including leap year.
Just i want to count the number of weeks based on start week and end week dropdown.
How we can do that.
pls. help and give me the solution.