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I wondering if anyone can help to solve my problem...
On my Hotel program I am trying to do data grid where user can see book and check in information. I made data grid which contains room numbers and have columns which header is date time from today. Tried to do something like that : if room number 777 is occupied from 8/01/2011 to 8/05/2011 five cell was red bellow that date time columns. and if same room is book from 8/07/2011 to 8/08/2011 that cells was yellow.
This is my trigger which checks if room is occupied or booked. When StatusInNumb value is 2 its means dat room is occupied and 1 means room is booked

    <Style x:Key="RoomNumberValidationCellStyle"
                   TargetType="{x:Type DataGridCell}">
            <datatrigger binding="{Binding Path=StatusInNumb}" value="2">
                <setter property="Background" value="#FFFFA7A7" />
            <datatrigger binding="{Binding Path=StatusInNumb}" value="1">
                <setter property="Background" value="#FFD8E538" />

This method creates datagrid columns

public void CreateDataGrid(int range)
       HProDataContext db = new HProDataContext();
       var _RoomNumber = (from d in db.SelectRooms select d.roomnumber).ToList();
       var _RoomType = (from d in db.SelectRooms select d.roomtype).ToList();
       var _RoomStatus = (from d in db.SelectRooms select d.status).ToList();
       var _te = (from d in db.rooms select d.forroomsinfo).ToList();
       for (int i = 0; i < _RoomNumber.Count; i++)
           _RoomsInfoCollection.Add(new RoomsInfoData { RoomNumber = _RoomNumber[i], RoomType = _RoomType[i], RoomStatus = _RoomStatus[i], IsRoomMatched = "true", StatusInNumb = Convert.ToInt32(_te[i]) });

       dataGrid1.ItemsSource = RoomsInfoCollection;

       dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn
           Header = "Room Type",
           Binding = new Binding("RoomType"),
           IsReadOnly = true

       dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn
                Header = "Room Number",
                Binding = new Binding("RoomNumber"),
                IsReadOnly = true
       dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn
           Header = "Status",
           Binding = new Binding("RoomStatus"),
           Foreground = Brushes.Red,
           IsReadOnly = true

       for (int i = 0; i < range; i++)
           int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month);
           int Month = DateTime.Now.Month;
           int day = DateTime.Now.Day + i;
           if (day >= daysInMonth)
               day = 1 + i;
               Month = Month + 1;
           dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Header = "" + Month + "/" + day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "", IsReadOnly = true });

And This method save booked date time array in List
private void BookedDate()
        HProDataContext db = new HProDataContext();

        var _checkInYear = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkinyear).ToList();
        var _checkInMonth = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkinmonth).ToList();
        var _checkInDay = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkinday).ToList();

        var _checkOutYear = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkoutyear).ToList();
        var _checkOutMonth = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkoutmonth).ToList();
        var _checkOutDay = (from d in db.bookings select d.checkoutday).ToList();

        for (int i = 0; i < _checkInDay.Count; i++)
            DateTime checkIn = new DateTime(_checkInYear[i], _checkInMonth[i], _checkInDay[i]);
            DateTime checkOut = new DateTime(_checkOutYear[i], _checkOutMonth[i], _checkOutDay[i]); 
            TimeSpan span = checkOut - checkIn;
            int k = Convert.ToInt32(span.TotalDays);

            for (int day = 0; day <= k; day++)


is how i use trigger. The problem of this trigger is that when i call cannot transfer room number
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        foreach (var col in this.dataGrid1.Columns)
            for (int i = 0; i < rangeBook.Count; i++)
                var headerText = (string)col.Header;
                if (headerText == rangeBook[i].ToShortDateString())
                    col.CellStyle = this.FindResource("RoomNumberValidationCellStyle") as Style;

So what is problem can seen in screen shot. The room 777 is booked from 8/1/2011 to 8/5/2011 and room 3434 is occupied from 8/1/2011 to 8/2/2011. Please i anyone can help me dont be lazy will be thankful all my life. it is very very very important for me[^]

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