I have a dictionary say:
Dictionary<int,> ListPPM = new Dictionary<int,>();
ListPPM.Add(1, 445.1242);
ListPPM.Add(4, 445.1992);
ListPPM.Add(7, 445.1205);
ListPPM.Add(22, 445.1205);
ListPPM.Add(32, 445.1242);
ListPPM.Add(34, 445.1992);
ListPPM.Add(100, 445.1205);
ListPPM.Add(157, 445.1205);
S0 ListPPM[4] = {32,445.1242}
Now I want to access the 5th element (index 4) of the dictionary that contains key, value pairs {32,445.1242}
The I want to parse it like int key = 32
double value = 445.1242