1) if you don't want to change value at dropdown value select than set the autopostback=false of dropdown box
2) for check box , store unique id of DB in on field or in hidden field,
than in rowcommand event iterate
foreach (GridViewRow grdRow in grd_name.Rows)
CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)grdRow.FindControl("chk_checkbox");
HiddenField hdn= (HiddenField)grdRow.FindControl("hiddenfiled");
if (chk != null){
strids += hdn ",";
strstatus += Convert.ToInt32(chk.Checked).ToString() + ",";
now you get the id string like 1,2,3,4,5 and
check box value as per id like true,false,false,true,false
i think now u can understand what am i trying to say....