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The problem I has is follows:

1. I have a DataGrid table with rows and columns bound to a List<DataStructure> where the DataStructure has Name, MinVal, MaxVal, TodayVal.

2. In my DataGrid, I need to display a chart/graph of all the data values for a list of data points. For example, if X has grades of 78.5, 45.5, 100, 94.5.....etc, the MinVal, MaxVal and TodayVal are based on this list of data points. The graph/chart shows the progress starting wih day1 through to today.

3. The chart has to fit in the datagrid row/column - (no: borders, legends, x/y axis, title....etc). The chart/graph has to be stretched or scaled such that it fits perfectly in the datagrid cell (startpoint left aligned, endpoint is rightaligned).

<dg:DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="GRADES" Header="GRADE&#13;Chart" IsReadOnly="True" Width="83">
<DataTemplate x:Name="DAILYGRIDTEMPATE">
	<Grid Width="83" ClipToBounds="False">
 		<Canvas Margin="0" ClipToBounds="False" Background="Transparent">
                                    <Polyline Points="{Binding GRADES}" 

My DataStructure contains the following property for the polyline pointcollections (Class = rowModel)

// GradeChart - Point Collection
 public PointCollection _grades;
 public PointCollection GRADES
     get { return _grades; }
         _grades= value;

My code populates the XAML/WPF by the following (where points = List<double> {76.3, 56.2, 96.4...etc}):

PointCollection pc = new PointCollection();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; points.Count; i++)
    pc.Add(new Point(i, (double)points[i]*10));
    Debug.WriteLine(className + &quot;: paintIntradayChart [&quot; + i + &quot;, &quot; + (double)points[i] + &quot;]&quot;);
rowModel.GRADES= pc;

Now this all works fine and I can set my chart/graph in the fact, I can also have this update intraday if required as all I have to do is add a point to the pointcollection, freeze it and then set it to the GRADES property to reflect the chanege.

What I need to do fix the following which I am sort of struggling with:

1. X/Y coordinates of the Polyline should be like a chart (X -> right, Y -> Up)....currently Y -> Down

2. Scaling of the Polyline in the Canvas - need it to fit perfectly in the Grid -> Canvas

Would appreciate any help. Please provide code snippets as I am new to learning .NET an would appreciate illustrative guidance rather than just general direction.


Updated 9-Sep-11 4:03am

1 solution

1) Y is down and that's just the way it is, you should be able to accommodate that easily, all you need to do when you've calculated Y is y = 0-y.
2) You can use ScaleTransform[^] for this, there are examples at the bottom of the page.
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