Axes (Chart Controls)[
<customizing grid="" and="" tick="" mode="hold">
By default, the Chart control automatically sets the scale of the axes in chart areas based on its data series. You can manually set the Minimum, Maximum, Interval, IntervalOffset, IntervalType, and IntervalOffsetType properties for each axis. You can further customize them by defining different settings for an axis's MajorGrid, MinorGrid, MajorTickMark, MinorTickMark, and LabelStyle properties. If you set the same property in the axis and in one of its components (for example, the Minimum property in both AxisY and AxisY.MajorGrid), the component setting takes precedence.
When Axis.Interval is set to Auto, the Axis.IntervalAutoMode property determines how many intervals should be calculated. If your chart is resized or redrawn often at run time, you can set the Axis.IntervalAutoMode property to VariableCount. This way, the chart dynamically calculates axis intervals. This is useful if the chart intervals are displayed differently depending on the data.
You can also use a logarithmic scale by setting the Axis.IsLogarithmic property to true.
Axis Class[
^] for the Axis properties.
Microsoft also has a comprehensive example
Samples Environment for Microsoft Chart Controls[
^] that might help you understand the chart control.