Try thes links as they are good articles to get you started:
Contour Analysis for Image Recognition in C#[
Image Recognition with Neural Networks[
As for EMGU download it from Here.[
^] Have a look in the extracted folder and there will be several examples "Emgu.CV.Example", look for LicensePlateRecognition. This will show you how to do Optical Character Recognition and will require less work on your side of things.
Use this article as reference to start your a new project or if you encounter errors :
Creating Your First EMGU Image Processing Project[
Now "I want to process a image and recognize the text present in it" is a bit vague. You will notice that the text in the license plate example is located via pre-processing the image. This is fairly easy as the plates are rectangular and white or yellow in colour. You will have to be responsible for pre-processing the image and finding the rough area that the text is in.
You don't mention which programming language you would prefer if it is c# then EMGU and Aforge are the best options for you. Gather a few images that you wish to process have a look at the examples and see what results you can achieve. If you need help along the way come back and ask or try the EMGU forums as well.