I have a setup project that installs the application nicely. I have added a dialog for a checkbox "CREATE_SHORTCUT" and if it is selected the installer creates shortcut on desktop. This all works fine.
My application creates a folder and files during runtime.
While Uninstallting the application, those files & folder are not deleted hence the application folder is not deleted fro mthe Program Files. In Custom Actions, in uninstall I have added "Primary output.." with CustomActionData = /ALLUSERS=[ALLUSERS] /CREATE_SHORTCUT=[CREATE_SHORTCUT]. This removes the desktop shortcut if created. My issue is, how to delete that folder created by app so the uninstaller deletes the application folder also.
Any help is highly appreciated. Please try to help me at the earliest. I also thought of creating a bat file for uninstall, but then how can I provide AllUsers & Create Shortcut actions ??? Can my application get notification while uninstall, I cna delete the fodler at that time and then the uninstall can proceed. What can be possible among all above ??