Starting from a given integer
search the integers below
in descending fashion and the integers above
in ascending fashion. You will get two prime integers this way. Then you determine the distance from
to each of the primes:
distanceToBelow = n - primeBelowN
distanceToAbove = primeAboveN - n
result = primeAboveN
if(distanceToBelow <= distanceToAbove)
result = primeBelowN
Actually you'd always search downwards except for when n == 2 because the nearest prime below 2 is -2 with a distance of 4 compared to 3 with a distance of 1. Consider three consecutive primes X < Y < Z and figure out why with Y >=3 the nearest prime to Y is always X.
If you have trouble figuring out whether an integer is prime check my solution here:
Prime number program[