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Hi Expert,

crm_campaign table contains fields like owner,status,start_date,end_date,event_ids etc.

event_ids contains event ids assigned from crm_events table to perticuler campaigns with semi column separate. like 1,2,7

Now in view_campaign.aspx page i am searching records based on event id.I used listview to display these records.

There is one dropdownlist(ddlEvents) which contains all event id.

my search string is like this,

select * from crm_campaign where event_ids like %"+ddlEvents.selectedValue +"%

This working fine.But suppose ddlEvents.selectedValue is 1, then it serches field which contain ids like (15,6,7) .

please give me suggestion?
Please help me how to avoid this?

Thanks in advance.
Updated 4-Nov-11 18:16pm

Can you try this one

string strSearchValue1 = ddlEvents.selectedValue + ",";
string strSearchValue2 = "," + ddlEvents.selectedValue;
string strSearchValue3 = "," + ddlEvents.selectedValue + ",";

select * from crm_campaign where event_ids like %"+ strSearchValue3 +"% or event_ids like "+ strSearchValue1 +"% or event_ids like %"+ strSearchValue2 +";

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udusat13 4-Nov-11 8:43am    
I ll try tommorrow
Thanks .................
udusat13 5-Nov-11 0:14am    
its working in certain condition.means if selected value is 1 then it searches 5,11,2 because of
event_ids like "," + ddlEvents.selectedValue
Amol_27101982, India 5-Nov-11 12:47pm    
You may require to do few changes in the search values.
This does what you need and if this helps, try to use SQL paramters instead of constructing the SQL statement to avoid SQL injection

"select *
from employees
Event_id  like '"+ddlEvents.selectedValue+",%'
or Event_id  like '%,"+ddlEvents.selectedValue+",%'
or Event_id  like '%,"+ddlEvents.selectedValue+"'"

Your questin heading says senicolon (;) seperated and the example you have provided says comma (,) and the solution is based on comma seperatation and you may have to slightly change the query if it is semicon

Just noticed AmolPandurangBorkar875 has provided the similar solution already, I was late
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udusat13 4-Nov-11 8:43am    
I ll try tommorrow
Thanks .................
udusat13 5-Nov-11 0:20am    
its working in certain condition.means if selected value is 1 then it searches 5,11,2 also because of event_ids like "," + ddlEvents.selectedValue

11,21,31,,41 also ends up with 1 which also satisfy like value,% this condition,
Please give me other solution
Modify your query as

select * from crm_campaign where event_ids in ("+ddlEvents.selectedValue +")

Hopw this will help you

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udusat13 4-Nov-11 5:35am    
But its working if selected id is 2 and events ids from database that begin with 2 like (2,4,5) not working when for (4,2,5) or (5,7,2)
BobJanova 4-Nov-11 6:11am    
Can you use 'in' in reverse, i.e.:

select * from crm_campaign where @value in event_ids

I'm not sure if that is legal though.

Also, use a parameterised query, don't build the query string up from parts like that, particularly if that is something which comes directly from user input. It is trivial to submit a HTTP request or modify the page so the dropdown value is "3; drop table crm_campaign; ".
udusat13 4-Nov-11 6:30am    
But its workin if @ @value=3 and database field contains only 3 . When fields contains 4,3 or 3,4 or 3,5,6. its not working.
Finnally I got solution,

i use concat ',' in where condition,

FROM `crm_campaign`
WHERE concat(',', `event_ids`, ',') LIKE '%,ddlEvents.SelectedValue(),%'

Now its searching only 1 if i selected value is 1 even if there are fields like 11,21,51 etc.

Thanks to above persons who help me......
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