actually, I'm developing a web template with and c#, which is contain 3 parts and i handle the partial refreshing of the page with using updatepanel. the first parts is the top menu which is refresh the left sub menu, then the left sub menu refresh the middle panel and shows all the detail which is contain table with insert, delete, edit and paging buttons. i have use listview to develop the tables.
i have more than 50 module same like this which is contain table with some buttons and if i put all the tables in same page the page code would be very huge. that's why i come up with idea to put each table in separate page and just load each page in the 3rd panel.
i have gone through the Uframe but i couldn't use it at my page properly.
i would really appreciate that anybody help me to overcome this problem, to load separate aspx page in 3rd panel, but without using iframe. or guide me how to use the uframe step by step. or if you have another idea to get ride of this problem.
many thanks.