I am testing an application. In tableadapter configuration wizard, On server side:
While choosing data source, I chose Microsoft SQL Server Database File.
This gave set the connection string as:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True
Is this correct?
Any way this works in my desired way.
Then in SQL Server Mgmt Express, I attached the database to the instance of my SQL Server Express (to MyhomeServer\SQLExpress"
Now I want to use the same application on Client side (off course databse is stored in Data Directory of my application in Server Side) Now in tableadapter wizard, I choose Microsoft SQL Server Express. Is that correct?
I have done all configurations for remote connection etc. and also done the firewall settings. When I run this test on client side, it returns error:
Cannot open database "Database1.mdf" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MYHOMESERVER\Kh. Furqn'.
Why does it go to
Kh. Furqan
while I am giving it
, where the DB is attached. My server is
and connection is
MyHomeServer\Kh. Furqan
(Authentication is Windows Authentication, and no password for it)