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hi everyone, please help me, i have generate a pdf using stored procedure and classic asp, what i'm want to show a image in pdf with stored procedure

My Code for generating pdf is running fine and this is here:
ASP Page Code:--

<%@ Language=VBScript %>


Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
const ConString=" Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;server="";Database=dbAspClassic;uid="";pwd="";"


set rs=CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + 'COMPANY LTD'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + 'COMPANY ADDRESS'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + 'STREET NAME & No'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT ' '")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(34) + 'BILL OF SALE'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT ' '")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT 'Product' + SPACE(10) + 'Quantity'+ SPACE(10) + 'Price' + SPACE(10) + 'Total'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT REPLACE(SPACE(56), ' ', '_')")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT 'Product1' + SPACE(9) + '10.00 '+ SPACE(10) + '52.30' + SPACE(10) + '5230.0'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT 'Product2' + SPACE(9) + '2.00 '+ SPACE(10) + '10.00' + SPACE(10) + ' 20.0'")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT REPLACE(SPACE(56), ' ', '_')")
cn.Execute("INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(50) + '5250.0'")

'Set rs = cn.Execute("Select * from psopdf ")
Set rs = cn.Execute("sql2pdf 'Pardeep'")

If not rs.EOF Then
Response.buffer = true
with response
.ContentType = "application/pdf"
.Charset = "UTF-8"
.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", _
end with

'We write out the PDF content!
while not rs.EOF
response.write rs.Fields("code") & vbcrlf

'That'all! We can stop the script here!


end if

Set cn = Nothing


Stored procedure is::

-- If you want to delete a preceding version of our procedure
-- uncomment these lines :

-- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sql2pdf]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
-- drop procedure [dbo].[sql2pdf]
-- GO

create PROCEDURE sql2pdf
@filename VARCHAR(100)
CREATE TABLE #pdf (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
,code NVARCHAR(200))
CREATE TABLE #xref (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
,code VARCHAR(30))
CREATE TABLE #text (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
,code VARCHAR(200))

@beg VARCHAR(7),
@a1 VARCHAR(3),
@a2 VARCHAR(3),
@ad VARCHAR(5),
@cr VARCHAR(8),
@pr VARCHAR(9),
@ti VARCHAR(6),
@xstr VARCHAR(10),
@page VARCHAR(8000),
@pdf VARCHAR(100),
@trenutniRed NVARCHAR(200),
@rows INT,
@ofset INT,
@len INT,
@nopg INT,
@fs INT,
@ole INT,
@x INT,
@file INT,
@object INT

SELECT @pdf = 'C:\' + @filename + '.pdf'
SET @page = ''
SET @nopg = 0
SET @object = 6
SET @end = 'endobj'
SET @beg = ' 0 obj'
SET @a1 = '<<'
SET @a2 = '>>'
SET @ad = ' 0 R'
SET @cr = CHAR(67) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (101) + CHAR(97) + CHAR(116) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(114)
SET @pr = CHAR(80) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(100) + CHAR(117) + CHAR (99 ) + CHAR(101) + CHAR(114)
SET @ti = CHAR(84) + CHAR(105) + CHAR (116) + CHAR(108) + CHAR(101)
SET @xstr = ' 00000 n'
SET @ofset = 396
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('xref')
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0 10')
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000000 65535 f')
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000017' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000790' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000869' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000144' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000247' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000321' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000396' + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('%' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + '-1.2')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('%ÓÓÓÓ')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('1' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @cr + ' (Dypso BackOffice' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(83) + CHAR (79) + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ')')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @pr + ' (stored procedure for ms sql)')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @ti + ' (SQL2' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ')')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('4' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Font')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Subtype /Type1')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Name /F1')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Encoding 5' + @ad)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/BaseFont /Courier')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('5' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Encoding')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('6' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (' /Font ' + @a1 + ' /F1 4' + @ad + ' ' + @a2 + ' /ProcSet [ /' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ' /Text ]')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
INSERT INTO #text(code) (SELECT code FROM psopdf)
SELECT @x = COUNT(*) FROM #text
SELECT @x = (@x / 60) + 1
WHILE @nopg < @x
FOR SELECT SUBSTRING((code + SPACE(81)), 1, 80) FROM #text WHERE idnumber BETWEEN ((@nopg * 60) + 1) AND ((@nopg + 1) * 60 )
OPEN SysKursor
FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed
SELECT @object = @object + 1
SELECT @page = @page + ' ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad
SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@object + 1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Page')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Parent 3' + @ad)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Resources 6' + @ad)
SELECT @object = @object + 1
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Contents ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
SELECT @ofset = @len + 86 + @ofset
INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
SELECT @object = @object + 1
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Length ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('stream')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('BT')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/F1 10 Tf')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('1 0 0 1 50 802 Tm')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('12 TL')
WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('T* (' + @trenutniRed + ') Tj')
FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('ET')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('endstream')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
SELECT @rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #text WHERE idnumber BETWEEN ((@nopg * 60) + 1) AND ((@nopg + 1) * 60 ))* 90 + 45
SELECT @nopg = @nopg + 1
SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@object - 1)
SELECT @ofset = @len + 57 + @ofset + @rows
INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@rows)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@rows)
SELECT @ofset = @len + 18 + @ofset
INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr)
CLOSE SysKursor
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('2' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Catalog')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Pages 3' + @ad)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/PageLayout /OneColumn')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
UPDATE #xref SET code = (SELECT code FROM #xref WHERE idnumber = (SELECT MAX(idnumber) FROM #xref)) WHERE idnumber = 5
DELETE FROM #xref WHERE idnumber = (SELECT MAX(idnumber) FROM #xref)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('3' + @beg)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Pages')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Count ' + CAST(@nopg AS VARCHAR))
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ]')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Kids [' + @page + ' ]')
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
SELECT @ofset = @ofset + 79
UPDATE #xref SET code =(SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,
LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr) WHERE idnumber = 6
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('trailer')
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@a1)
SELECT @object = @object + 1
UPDATE #xref SET code = '0 ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) WHERE idnumber = 2
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Size ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR))
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Root 2' + @ad)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Info 1' + @ad)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@a2)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('startxref')
SELECT @len = LEN(@nopg) + LEN(@page)
SELECT @ofset = @len + 86 + @ofset
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@ofset)
INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('%%' + CHAR(69) + CHAR (79) + CHAR(70))
INSERT INTO #pdf (code) (SELECT code FROM #xref)
SELECT code FROM #pdf
SELECT @trenutniRed = 'del '+ @pdf
EXECUTE @ole = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @fs OUT
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @trenutniRed, NO_OUTPUT

EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @fs, 'OpenTextFile', @file OUT, @pdf, 8, 1

IF LEN(@filename)>0
-- Chose to create the file directly with
-- SQL Server

FOR SELECT code FROM #pdf ORDER BY idnumber
OPEN SysKursor
FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed
WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0
EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @file, 'WriteLine', Null, @trenutniRed
FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed
CLOSE SysKursor
-- Create the file by calling the stored
-- proc from ASP and get the result back

SELECT code FROM #pdf ORDER BY idnumber

EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @file
EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @fs
Updated 16-Mar-12 20:59pm
Sandeep Mewara 12-Jun-12 9:06am    
And why would you edit your own question which was marked as solved by you ? Why to pop it out again?

The solution I usually propose to my clients in this situation is to use Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS). You can use the ReportViewer control included with it in order to generate PDF's, Excel spreadsheets, XML files, CSV files, and others. If you need ad hoc reporting, there is a Report Builder available as well.

Barring that, you can use OpenXml to generate Excel spreadsheets and there are a host of PDF toolkits available
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[no name] 16-Mar-12 1:08am    
sir i need generate pdf using Stored procedure and then execute this into the asp page
code works for me by just adding the SET NOCOUNT ON at the top
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SumanRoy 21-May-15 7:15am    
its note working...Invalid object name 'psopdf'.

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