Hi All
Please Help me i have 2 List that contains data for School Software in FEES module
one List contains FEES to Applied of the student based on months and FEES structure
second contains FEES to collect from student month wise and structure wise
problem is that if a student deposit his fees for perticular months then how can i calculate
remaining fees based on applied fees list for perticular month wise.and structure wise that
i am not getting any idea .
my code for applied fees list is
var ljoin = from HeadId in lFeestrmaster2
join structure in lstrdetaillist
on HeadId.strId equals structure.strId
select new { HeadId.strHeadId, structure.strmonthId, structure.fAmount };
for deposit fees is
var lCollection = from item in ldetail
join Collectionmaster in listaccount
on item.BillNo equals Collectionmaster.BillNo
select new {Collectionmaster.FeeMonthId, item.FeeHeadId , item.FeeAmt} ;
i need to show this data in 2 GRID like
month Id | Remaining Fees (Amount)
HeadID | Amount
how can i iterate and get that student has deposite or not deposited his /her fees
with matching months and feesheads .